Branching Scenarios

The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning articles about Branching Scenarios. Anything you need to know about Branching Scenarios in eLearning, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide.

July 27, 2015

Using Real Life Scenarios In eLearning: 5 Advantages

Real life scenarios can add much needed flavor to otherwise vanilla eLearning. Out are the old school text based scenarios; in are graphic novels and comic strip panels using real employee and workplace photography. In this article I will share with you 5 advantages of using very real life scenarios in eLearning.
by Ruby Spencer, CTDP
May 8, 2015

10 Must-Have eLearning Scenario Resources

So you’re ready to create drop-dead eLearning scenario with amazing branching. But you need some help getting started. You’ve arrived at the right place. In this post, we’ll be dishing out our 10 must-have eLearning scenario resources for creating a great eLearning branching scenario.
by Li Whybrow
April 30, 2015

4 Tips To Help You Spring Into Blended Learning

There’s a new way to look at blended learning. And it’s much more complex and creative than just adding an online course to traditional classroom training. “…Now that technology offers so many varied options, a blended approach has evolved to mean the use of more than one delivery method to provide and enhance training and support. This is the way of the future,” says Connie Malamad, the eLearning Coach. If you’re ready to spring into the future of blended learning, this article is just what you need.
by Christie Wroten
October 16, 2014

Top 10 Branching Scenario Techniques

Learners not retaining information? e-Learning not prompting behavioral changes? As the old adage says, “Experience is the best teacher.” When teaching a new process or facilitating a change in behavior, there’s no better teacher than experience. But this is e-Learning we’re talking about. How can you help your learners truly experience a situation when they’re sitting at their desks? Enter the magic of branching scenarios.
by Stephanie Ivec