Corporate eLearning Best Practices

All you need to know about Corporate eLearning Best Practices. Information, benefits, useful tips, technologies and valuable resources from eLearning Industry, featuring by eLearning professionals with the higher-level instructional design qualifications.

August 14, 2016

Can Your Organization Afford Online Training? 5 Major Costs Involved

Does your organization REALLY have room in the budget for online training? More importantly, can you afford NOT to move your training online? In this article, I’ll highlight 5 of the major costs involved in online training so that you can create an accurate online training budget. I will also share 3 budgeting tips to help you keep your online training costs in-check.
by Christopher Pappas
August 10, 2016

6 Tips To Use Your LMS For Informal Learning

Informal learning is spontaneous and casual. Learning Management Systems are organized and structured. But is there a way to combine the two to provide amazing impromptu online training experiences? In this article, I’ll discuss 6 ways to use your LMS for informal learning.
by Christopher Pappas
August 9, 2016

5 Challenges Of Growing Your Channel Partner Network Profits

Many companies experience the pains of 5 major challenges when managing a partner channel and trying to grow their channel partner network. Here’s everything you need to know to stop wasting valuable time and resources on partner relationships that undermine your brand integrity and your business performance goals.
by Kelsey Cochran
August 6, 2016

7 Tips To Apply The Generative Learning Theory In Corporate eLearning

Are you offering your employees a meaningful corporate eLearning experience, in the truest sense of the word? The human mind must be able to form a connection between new concepts and preexisting schemas in order to enhance knowledge retention. In this article, I’ll share 7 tips for using the Generative Learning Theory to facilitate meaning construction in corporate eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas