Corporate Learners

Find the latest corporate eLearning articles for Corporate Learners. Discover tips, ways and best practices to motivate and engage Corporate Learners in corporate eLearning. Everything you need to know about Corporate Learners from our top corporate eLearning authors. Find out more.

March 9, 2016

7 Online Training Complaints And How To Avoid Them

Unfortunately, a vast majority of employees dread online training. You may even catch the occasional eye roll, sigh, or look of utter terror when corporate learners find out that an online training session is on the horizon. The good news is that there are ways to remedy the most common 7 online training complaints, which you'll soon discover in this article.
by Christopher Pappas
January 12, 2016

6 Online Training Mistakes That Drive Corporate Learners Crazy

Ready to turn your online training course into an effective, enlightening, and engaging online training experience? Looking for ways to draw in your corporate audience and give them all the online tools they need to succeed? If so, read this article to avoid the 6 top online training mistakes that drive corporate learners absolutely crazy.
by Christopher Pappas
December 25, 2015

7 Success Factors To Win The Bet With Overwhelmed Corporate Learners

Modern corporate learners are dealing with challenges that are unique to this digital era. In addition to long work hours and stressful job duties, employees are often weighed down with tech obligations. Emails and social media sites make their professional lives easier, in some respects, but they can also stand in the way of skill development and knowledge retention. In this article, I’ll discuss how to design effective online training experiences for overwhelmed corporate learners, so that they can acquire the skills they need to improve work performance.
by Christopher Pappas
December 1, 2015

5 Tips To Create eLearning For Modern Learners

How do you educate someone who has never known anything but high speed broadband and internet access, instant gratification, and quick fixes? How can you grab their attention and keep it long enough to get your message across? In this article, I will share 5 key tips to create eLearning courses for modern learners that will convince them to stay focused, absorb the information, and get the most out of their eLearning experience.
by Harman Singh
November 26, 2015

3 Ways To Support Corporate Technology-aided Learning Solutions 

Technology-aided learning programs allow employees to work on a more flexible schedule as they provide the flexibility of time and location. At the same time, such training programs require greater effort and skills as most of them are self-paced. The learner needs to have considerable personal organization and study skills to engage in fruitful eLearning.
by Heena Nanda
November 5, 2015

Why eLearning Is For Every Generation

Have you ever noticed how often the media portrays Baby Boomers as technological idiots? It’s common for movies and TV shows to depict the generation born between 1946 and 1964 as utterly clueless when it comes to operating smart phones and laptops. Of course, those in the business world know that this is, for the most part, inaccurate. Some individuals sincerely dislike using technology and wish the pen-and-paper days would magically reappear. However, most people in the working world, no matter if they are Baby Boomers, Millennials, or from Generation X, find technology to be helpful and necessary to getting work done. This is especially true of eLearning technology.
by Jeffrey Roth