Corporate Learning

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October 7, 2014

Dear Jo: “I’ve Just Been Handed the Training Department!” - Part Two

Continuing with the second installment of Dear Jo, industry veteran Jo Coulson answers your corporate training and performance improvement questions! In Part Two of “I’ve Just Been Handed the Training Department!”, Jo’s reader has taken over the training department but has minimal background in learning and development. How much training industry knowledge does she need, and how can she get it?
by Jo Coulson
September 29, 2014

9 Ways to Bring Talent and Learning Management Together

In this part of my series on how to save the Learning and Development industry from certain doom, I explain why talent training and learning need to come together to create a culture in which the correct things are taught to the correct individuals. I offer nine ways to achieve this, and also explain the importance of informal learning in achieving all-round business success.
by Juliette Denny
September 24, 2014

A Time of Crisis for the UK Learning and Development Industry

In this article, part one of my series on saving the UK Learning and Development industry from certain doom, I examine how the L&D industry is struggling to keep up with times and highlight what needs to be done to meet demands and expectations. This is a brutal, no-holds-barred assessment of L&D, taken from my own experiences talking with L&D professionals and research into the state of the industry. Part 2 will establish how – and why – to bring learning and talent training together.
by Juliette Denny
September 9, 2014

Dear Jo: “I’ve Just Been Handed the Training Department!” - Part One

Welcome to the first installment of Dear Jo! Meet Jo Coulson, a veteran of the learning industry—a highly respected leader on the client side and a dynamic program manager and consultant on the vendor side. Now she’s taking your corporate training questions and offering valuable insights based on years of experience. First up: You’ve been handed the training department… What do you do?
by Jo Coulson
September 2, 2014

Pre-boarding - The Vital Precursor to Onboarding

Organizations should put as much focus on “Pre-boarding” as they do on “Onboarding”. At the following article you will find out Why Pre-boarding is just as important as Onboarding when it comes to reducing staff attrition and time to effectiveness of new starters.
by Grant Williams