Corporate Learning

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July 11, 2019
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Four Recommendations To Support Evidence-Informed L&D

Generally, L&D professionals ask themselves the question: "How can I deliver services as quickly as possible in accordance with the wishes of the customer?" On the other hand, others ask a more fundamental question: "Does the service actually work?" To determine the effectiveness of any service, the L&D professional looks for scientific evidence. Scientific evidence will help decision-making about learning services. The question is, is this evidence-based or evidence-informed? This blog is a short extract of the book: Show me the Value: Creating Value-Based L&D.1
by Jos Arets
June 8, 2019

Why Adaptive Learning Is Exactly What Corporate eLearning Needs

Corporate eLearning has seen its share of eLearning trends, hype as well as some sure-shot strategies to success. However, most organizations are still not satisfied with what their corporate eLearning program can achieve. The reason behind this fact is that most eLearning programs don’t focus on the individual learning or training needs of the employees/learners, and try to impose a one-size-fits-all approach on all of them.
by Debadrita Sengupta
May 30, 2019 | Sponsored

3 Traps Undermining Learning Credibility

Merriam-Webster defines desperate as, "a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behavior". Learning practitioners may not act in an extreme manner but, on many occasions, we've witnessed rash behavior to gain credence with operational colleagues for their learning efforts.
by Ajay Pangarkar, CTDP, CPA, CMA
July 19, 2018

Elements Of A True Learning Culture: Employee Engagement

As suggested in Part I of this article, the development of a true learning culture within business organizations is no longer a "we will experiment with this if we have time but let's keep doing what we have always done" choice. It has become an essential to healthy organizational growth that enables an organization to truly compete on the new digital playing field.
by Ken Turner(LION)