eLearning Design

Anything you need to know for eLearning Design, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. Tips, best practices, and valuable resources for eLearning Design. The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning articles about eLearning Design.

September 21, 2019

Create Learning Experiences That Work

With the rapid pace of technology, human nature and its needs have changed a lot. No longer are age-old concepts and ways of teaching effective. Science and arts education has moved from a teacher-centric design to a learner-centric design. The latest development in this regard is Learning Experience Design (LXD).
by Satyabrata Das
August 9, 2019

Why Opt For Custom eLearning Development

In this technology-driven era, every small organization offers employee training utilizing eLearning courses. Since the demand for online training is increasing, there are lots of custom eLearning development companies and some companies who offer prebuilt courses.
by Akshay k
August 9, 2019

The Ultimate Guide To Color-Coding In eLearning

This article is the ultimate guide to color-coding. Color-coding is deemed to be one of the most effective studying techniques used in education. It includes information on the benefits of using colors for learning as well as 5 color-coding tips that eLearning platforms can apply to boost results.
by France Preechawitayakul
August 6, 2019

eBook Release: eLearning Design And The 'Right' Brain

How do you make sure that information really sticks to the learner and goes from being a one-off experience to a life lesson? This eBook helps you explore the interactive elements in eLearning, specifically the ones that will appeal to the right brain and help create memorable, sticky learning experiences.
by Christopher Pappas