eLearning Development Best Practices

Anything you need to know about eLearning Development Best Practices, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Development Best Practices, for eLearning professionals who need to create high-quality eLearning courses.

September 18, 2017 | Sponsored

The Importance Of Data Analytics In eLearning

Digital learning has evolved from the phase of using standalone devices to deliver content to a more integrated virtual learning environment. With an introduction to cloud-based Learning Management Systems, eLearning is gaining huge popularity in academic learning as well as in workplace training. Also, with the increasing use of the internet in the corporate sector, data analytics also play a crucial role in imparting successful eLearning experiences.
by Sayan Guha
September 10, 2017

6 Ways Of Capturing eLearning Feedback

Several years ago, I attended a Creative Writing course at a local community college. On day-1, the instructor handed out a stack of documents –the Day’s Outline– and asked us to quickly review them to understand what we were about to learn. What happened next is a classic case of miscommunication and misunderstanding – something that eLearning course creators should learn from and avoid!
by Marina Arshavskiy