Employee Engagement

Looking for ways to engage employees in your online training? Motivation tips, learning needs, modern learners’ characteristics, anything you need to know about Employee Engagement, written by the best eLearning experts.

February 14, 2014

The Basics of Scenario-Based e-Learning

In this post, I will walk you through the various aspects of scenario-based eLearning, so that you can design eLearning courses which not only keep the learners motivated and engaged, but provide them with the best possible educational experience that effectively enhances their skill sets and/or knowledge base.
by Christopher Pappas
July 2, 2013

7 Ways To Make Your Mandatory Training More Exciting!

Annual mandatory training is common in many organizations, but does not always scream excitement to employees. It’s that dreaded time of the year employees hope to get the checkmark for and revisit 12 months later. Hearing that training is a must may even cause stress and anxiety. As an e-Learning developer, it’s important to think of ways your course can erase the negative feelings associated with training and turn training into an enjoyable experience. But how?
by Kristen Marshall
May 16, 2013

3 Learning Strategies To Engage Millennials – We Aren’t That Different

As a millennial, I feel like we already have a bad reputation before even entering the workforce. People think that we’re lazy, have no attention span, spend all day on social media and that we don’t respect the workplace. Now I can’t speak for my whole generation but I know from my experiences with my peers that we’re multi-taskers, self-learners, resourceful, very comfortable with technology and we’re just as dedicated to adding value to the workplace as any generation before us.
by Elisabeth Arellano