Learners Engagement

Learners Engagement is a requirement for a successful eLearning course. Read on and discover all the top eLearning articles about Learners Engagement, written by our top eLearning authors. Share our valuable resources or submit your article!

December 29, 2017

Empowered Learners: Hyperconnected And Self-Directed

Research shows us that employees are accessing the learning they need differently from how they did just a few years ago. Here is how most of today’s corporate learners are now looking for what they need away from their organization's Learning and Development channels.
by David James
December 24, 2017

Using Interactive Elements In eLearning Courses

There's no doubt that engaging eLearning courses grab learner’s attention. One of the ways to build an immersive learning experience, is by introducing interactive elements as a strategy for designing courses. Learn more about presenting content with simple yet attractive interactivities.
by Manisha Chopde-Tandale