Learning Management Systems Review

Anything you need to know about Learning Management Systems Review, written by the top Learning Management Systems Review experts worldwide. Click to read, share our valuable resources or submit your article!

May 3, 2016

Docebo Review: A Modular Learning Management System With A Unique Design

Docebo is an online learning platform for partner, customer and employee training. It boasts a built-in HR interface and video conferencing, which makes this cloud-based Learning Management System a popular choice for organizations who are looking for an all-in-one solution for their extended enterprise needs. In this article, I’ll explore the ins and outs of Docebo, including the standout features and usability, so that you can determine if it’s truly the best option for your Learning and Development needs.
by Christopher Pappas
December 14, 2015

Adobe Captivate Prime Review: A Full Featured LMS With A Learner-first Approach

There are a number of learning management systems that claim to be the “all-in-one solution”, but only a select few typically live up to that promise. Adobe states that their new Adobe Captivate Prime offering is a “ground breaking new Learning Management System” that “empowers you to setup, deliver, track and manage your learning environment all by yourself”…but is it the complete package that you are looking for? In this review, I’ll delve into the features, pricing, support services, and ease of use for Adobe Captivate Prime, so that you can determine if it’s really the right option for your eLearning needs.
by Christopher Pappas
November 11, 2015

TalentLMS Review: Create Online Courses On A Cloud Based LMS

TalentLMS is known for its easy-to-use platform that is custom tailored for rapid eLearning development. But is it really “the fastest path to awesome learning” that it claims to be? If you’re looking for an honest review of TalentLMS’ features, pricing, usability, and support, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll delve into the standouts of the TalentLMS learning management system, and offer insight into whether it’s truly worth your investment.
by Christopher Pappas