LMS Features

Open source LMSs, eLearning platforms, variety of cases and anything you need to know about LMS Features, written by the best eLearning experts worldwide. Check our articles.

October 3, 2014

List Of Corporate Learning Management Systems

In this article, you will find a list of Corporate Learning Management Systems that is as comprehensive and up-to-date as I can make it. One crucial step for eLearning professionals when developing their eLearning strategy is to choose the proper LMS. But, how many LMS's are there? How can you find them? How do you pick one?
by Don McIntosh
September 10, 2014

7 Cloud Based LMS Features That Really Make A Difference

When deciding upon an LMS platform, or any eLearning software for that matter, it's really easy to get lost in feature lists and functionality matrices. While seemingly comprehensive, those comparisons not only don't tell the whole story, but can also be downright deceiving. This is because when it comes to features, quality of implementation (something a functionality matrix won't show you) is key. And, of course, some features matter more than others.
by John Laskaris
January 20, 2014

Cloud-Based LMS: Is Your Data Safe In The Cloud?

Cloud-based Learning Management Systems are quickly growing in popularity. We trust our most sensitive information to our Learning Management System, including our courseware and learner information. But how safe is that data in the cloud? How much do you know about the security of your cloud-based LMS provider?
by Ryan Moore
November 4, 2013

Review Of Lectora Express – The Easy LMS

I recently got the chance to test out Lectora Express – The Easy LMS. This on-demand, online learning management system is the latest product to be released by Lectora. At the following review you will find how to begin with Lectora Express in 4 easy steps, 4 pros of Lectora Express, and finally 2 cons of Lectora Express.
by Christopher Pappas
October 8, 2013

Universities And Businesses: An Important Synergy

What will our world be like in ten years? Our research aims at defining an active pedagogy, and bringing together active learning environments. We aim to remap the ‘pedagogical’, and recognize that technologies such as cognitive technologies, or 'psycho-technology', mean to broaden horizons and break existing topographies.
by Valentina Piccioli
September 13, 2013

5 Essential Tools For Your LMS

Learning Management Systems are great tools, but at the end of the day, they're ultimately built for students, not trainers. Here's a five common components that we believe you should consider adding to your Learning Management System.
by John Peebles
August 26, 2013

Two Key Steps To Selecting And Loving Your First LMS

Would you believe that there are 329 steps you “should” take in order to find the best LMS for you? Certainly seems like it, right? What if I told you that in two steps you could be 99% sure you were selecting the right learning management system? Two steps to a system you loved!
by Jordan Barrish
July 11, 2013

Analyzing A LMS For A Device-Agnostic Content Strategy

In this post, I will analyze the key features that LMSs should display in order to facilitate a device-agnostic content strategy that can respond to today´s learning environments. By considering as an example a platform that is based on a mobile-first way of thinking, Instancy´s Mobile Learning App Platform, I will highlight which are the capabilities we need to take into account to successfully adapt to learners´ current needs.
by Mayra Aixa Villar