Video In eLearning

Are you looking for the best tips on Video In eLearning? Click for all the latest articles, written by our top eLearning authors.

March 26, 2013

How To Build Instructional Videos

Tutorials are an effective way to deliver how-to knowledge on very well defined subject. There are plenty of tutorials on the internet on virtually any subject, from how to bake bread to how to solve a mathematical problem to how to perform an operation with a particular software.
by Paolo Leva
March 11, 2013

What Do Teachers, Marketers, And HR Managers Have In Common?

Teachers, marketers and HR managers share the need to communicate, present, persuade, engage, explain, introduce and document. They would naturally focus on different topics and target different audiences, but their goal is the same: reach out to an audience and find effective ways to get their message across.
by Paolo Leva
March 9, 2013

Video As A Learning Tool: A Mixed Blessing?

Do you think the use of video during the instructional process helps or distracts the learner? Is video a mixed blessing? In our world of e-Learning, video has become an important element in the eLearning process as, according to research, visual demonstration of something new can lead to successful results. Yet, many eLearning developers hesitate to use this powerful tool. But is this hesitation an unfounded fear?
by Christopher Pappas