6 Tips For Improving Management Skills In Online Training

6 Tips For Improving Management Skills In Online Training
Summary: A team is only as good as its leader, even in the corporate world. Is there any way to turn a ‘bad manager’ into a ‘good boss’ via online training? In this article, I share 6 top tips to improve management skills in online training.

How To Improve Management Skills In Online Training

Some employees believe their managers are incompetent or out of touch with their modern workforce. They may even think that they achieved their position merely by association instead of putting in the time and effort. But most of the time, the manager worked their way up through the ranks and has a vast amount of valuable experience under their belt. The disconnect comes from their on-the-job behaviors and actions. They must brush up on crucial skills in order to be a respected leader who sets the example. Maybe they forgot what it’s like "on the ground". Or maybe they’re great at doing the job itself, but not so good at training others to do it. Either way, managers can improve their management skills in online training. Fortunately, learning technologies allow them to study in tandem with their jobs.

Tips To Bring Out The Best With Leadership Skills Training

1. Develop Situational Personas

As you develop your online training course, think about the type of manager that will use it. Is it tailored to a specific industry or is it more generic? Based on that, consider the personalities managers will frequently interact with. Build personas and profiles for these characters and incorporate them into your online training content. For example, there’s the customer that knows the boss’s wife and expects favors (a clear breach of your COI and business ethics policies). Or the government compliance officer who interprets regulations in a frustratingly literal manner. You can even integrate relatable scenarios, such as the nightmarish board meeting or the work crisis while you’re on vacation. Use these characters and simulated situations to give managers practical skills they can use on the job. They’re much more helpful than philosophy and MBA theory.

2. Game It Up And Make It Personal

Another way to hone management skills in online training is by teaching time management. Which is one of the toughest lessons for anyone to learn, and managers need it in bucket loads. Ironically, studying online requires intense time management – and it starts by teaching you how to do it. Studying, working, and living will force managers to juggle their 24 hours, and as an L&D professional, you can help.

Yes, they can study at their own pace and convenience, but you can incentivize them to work faster. Instead of stressful deadlines, offer rewards, badges, bonuses, and bragging rights to those who finish faster. This will contextually improve how your managers plan their time management as they strive to outplay each other. Incidentally, gaming scenarios are a good way to hone performance under pressure and deadline-keeping. It works even with non-gamers. Those short bursts of intense quick-fire training get their adrenaline up and build "muscle memory" for working in stressful situations.

3. Mind Their Ps And Qs

Who was the worst boss you ever had, and what did you dislike about them? While there are all sorts of ineffective leadership styles, the most common is the ungrateful superior. They ride your talents and take all the glory. Managers that thank their subordinates are better rated, both in terms of loyalty and performance. Their juniors like them more so they perform better. Thus, it's important to focus on respect and empathy in your management skills in online training course. Include some lessons on the importance of courtesy and gratitude. It’s not always about the money. Include real-world examples and anecdotes that show them another perspective. For instance, allow them to see things from their subordinates’ point of view so that they can empathize with their situation.

4. Build A Troubleshooting Glossary

There isn’t always time to research a solution, so arm your management team with easily accessible support resources. Give them tools they can tap into to find fast fixes to common problems. This repository should be searchable and available offline, for emergencies. In addition, it should have things as simple as "rejecting returned goods" or as complex as "resolving a sexual harassment issue between co-workers." It could even be something specific, like calculating discounts on the spot or handling dress code violations in the customer service department.

5. Incorporate Timed Branching Scenarios

Managers are often faced with unexpected challenges. Yet, they must rise the occasion to support their team and meet customer expectations. Improve their management skills in online training by teaching them how to keep their cool and de-escalate situations with timed branching scenarios. They have to stay calm and think fast. It could be an irate business partner on a conference call or a belittling customer. They must choose their decision-making path within the allotted time and try to achieve the best possible outcome.

6. Pre-Assess To Identify Pain Points

Every member of your leadership team has personal strengths and weaknesses. While some possess strong communication abilities, others need some help to effectively convey their thoughts and ideas. For this reason, you should build pre-assessments into your skill-based online training course. Such as simulations/branching scenarios or quantitative assessments that allow you to gauge what they know and how well they apply it. As an example, a simulation reveals that your newest sales manager should work on their negotiation and persuasion abilities. Thus, you can work with them to develop a personalized online training plan that bridges gaps and fits into their work schedule.


Experience is the best teacher. A manager often gains their position gradually. Still, whether they were promoted overnight or started from the bottom, managers can improve their management skills in online training. Train them virtually and it will benefit your entire organization. Build in-course characters to represent the people they’ll deal with on the job. Simulate actual scenarios and place managerial principles in context. Teach personal branding and time management, and guide them on appropriate, non-monetary motivation. You should also show them how to appreciate their team, earning their loyalty and reducing staff turnover.

Do you need to enrich your current manager skills online training course with interactive resources? Use our online directory to pick the perfect leadership training solutions for your supervisors, department heads, and management staff.

Originally published on February 4, 2021