Corporate eLearning

Corporate eLearning: News, trends and tips for the best practices in corporate training. Find out more in our eLearning database

January 3, 2017

The Learner Engagement Spectrum

Engaging your learners is the key to a successful training campaign. Everyone user on your Learning Management System will be engaged to a lesser or greater degree. The engagement spectrum can help you get a clear idea of where you should be focusing your efforts.
by Juliette Denny
December 31, 2016

What You Need To Know About GRC Online Training

GRC is an umbrella term that refers to the 3 vital components of business process management: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance. GRC training is an inevitable component of employee onboarding and continuous learning programs, and this is because of more than one reason. Let us see what you need to know about imparting a GRC online training program.
by Kumar Venkatesiah
December 30, 2016

Leveraging Diversity

Diversity is the key to evolution. And all organisms and all organizations must continuously evolve or perish. Here as some strategies for leveraging diversity.
by Alex Terego
December 28, 2016

8 Tips To Enhance Motivation In Online Training

You can't force your staff to actively participate in your online training program. They must be ready and willing to take the initiative and expand their own professional knowledge base. In this article, I'll share 8 tips to enhance motivation in online training so that your employees get the full benefit.
by Christopher Pappas
December 26, 2016

4 Best Practices To Use Animation For Training

There’s no denying that motion graphic videos and animations are an attractive tool for Instructional Designers to use in both online and instructor-led training. They’re an increasingly popular go-to for improving engagement or motivating learners. But is using animation for training always the best option?
by Blake Beus
December 24, 2016

5 Steps To A Successful Corporate Learning Program

When you navigate development for your corporate learning program, are you asking the right questions, looking in the right places, and engaging the right people? This insightful, step-by-step guide to successful corporate learning program creation starts with strategic insight.
by Micah J. Griffo