Corporate eLearning

Corporate eLearning: News, trends and tips for the best practices in corporate training. Find out more in our eLearning database

November 5, 2015

Evaluating Training Effectiveness And ROI

The price of training and all accompanying activities concerns all managers, and, in fact, should concern the Instructional Designers as well. What reason is there to conduct further trainings if the benefits of the ones already conducted have not been assessed? How to convince one’s manager that it is worthwhile (and profitable) to continue the training program and expand it to include other departments if you have no data to profit cost ratio to back you up? How, then, does one calculate training effectiveness?
by Michael Treser
November 4, 2015

3 Tips To Teach Your Sales Staff About Cold Calling

Even a mention of the words “cold calling” can numb your sales staff and elicit groans and complaints. If you have to conduct sales training in this area as a Human Resources professional, don't let them drag you into the age-old discussion of whether or not they can be effective. Instead, call cold calls “information calls” about your products or services and offer effective techniques on how they be done well.
by Roz Bahrami
November 3, 2015

The Real Learner

Real Learners are the elite among participants in the Real Learning Project. They work smarter and learn faster than their peers. It's a standard not everyone will reach.
by Jay Cross
November 2, 2015

4 Tips To Measure The Effectiveness Of An eLearning Course For Your Employees

Irrespective of how much time you spend on designing and developing trainings, they could not be considered effective until and unless you have decided on some proven techniques to determine the success of these trainings. In this article I will share 4 tips on measuring the effectiveness of an eLearning course and finding out whether your employees have really learnt what you wanted to teach them.
by Anand Timothy
November 1, 2015

3 Easy Ways To Convert Company Knowledge Into Online Training

Training managers often get frustrated of “re-inventing the wheel” and refashioning documents into relevant online courses. However, involving employees, partners, and resellers in rich, meaningful information circles benefits everyone in the company. eLearning tools help adopting knowledge from departments into useful, company-wide learning. Let us show you 3 easy ways on how to effectively convert offline company knowledge into interactive training.
by Annika Willers
October 29, 2015

Imparting Product Training Online: 5 Useful Media

A major factor that contributes to the success of a modern organization is the effective “synchronization” of its product training programs with the launch of its new products. As product life cycles get shorter and the time-to-market reduces considerably, a time lag between product releases and training could prove disastrous. In this article I will share 5 media which can be used to deliver highly effective product training online.
by Pushpa Siddhanti
October 29, 2015

Humor In The Workplace: Why Humor Has A Place In Every Business

In the interest of getting tasks completed on time and minding bottom lines, humor has left most of our workplaces. Managers show disapproval at the sound of laughter, hearing it as an indication that serious work at hand is being neglected. In fact, introducing humor in the workplace could be the most effective tool to increasing innovation and unconventional thinking.
by Roz Bahrami
October 23, 2015

eLearning In Leadership Training And Development: Strength And Synergy

“There is strength in numbers.” “Many hands make light work.” “No man is an island.” We’ve all heard these sayings so often that they’ve become clichés. Yet, we traditionally tend to think of leaders as rather heroic individuals: Singular, exceptional people who step up, or step forward and take the helm...or the fall, depending on the circumstance.
by Joel Copeland
October 22, 2015

Real Learning: Bottom-Up Learning From The Top Down

When an organization undertakes a corporate renewal or “digital reorganization” or adopting social business and radical management or whatever earth-shaking move is next, it’s an ideal time to join in a mantra of “Let’s all learn together”. If investing in social/informal/experiential learning is on the Learning and Development drawing board, here are some ideas on what to do.
by Jay Cross