eLearning Design and Development

Read the top articles about eLearning Design and Development. Principles, important information, tips, and best practices from the leading eLearning portal.

September 17, 2014

What You Should Know About Software Training

In this article, I will present the basics of software training. To illustrate, I will walk you through different stages of software training development and most importantly I will discuss how knowledge is effectively transferred during these stages.  
by Sukumari P
September 17, 2014

Creating Context in Product eLearning Design

There have been numerous articles written about the importance of creating context in your e-Learning design. In this article I will show a few examples of how I successfully created context in e-Learning designed for clients using our payroll software. This approach has received rave reviews and the clients feel confident after this training – all the necessary ingredients for a winning recipe. It is a privilege to share my lessons learnt and I hope it is of great value to others!
by Celeste Mulder
September 12, 2014

ELearning Development - The Agile Way!

Since the word "eLearning" was first used at a Computer Based Training (CBT) systems seminar back in 1999, a number of structured design methodologies (ADDIE, SAM) have been used to develop eLearning content. As far as methodologies go, you will be hard pressed to find two eLearning project managers (PMs) who agree upon which methodology is "right" and which is "wrong". The fact is that many of those "iterative" models, where content is developed using a cycle of repeated processes, have proved immensely resilient over the years in projects that produced high-quality content. However, now, there is a new kid in town. "Agile" (has been around for several years!), and eLearning sponsors and PM's are taking notice of it!
by Marina Arshavskiy
September 11, 2014

Is Responsive Design Right for Your e-Learning Course?

What is responsive design? This type of design describes when onscreen content automatically changes layout in response to the size of the screen it’s being displayed on. The idea is to provide an optimal viewing experience with easy reading and navigation. That means a minimum of resizing, panning and scrolling no matter what device you are using. Many websites have been doing this for quite some time—try looking at The New York Times, IKEA or Lectora on your phone. But should you be creating responsive design e-Learning?
by Stephanie Ivec
September 11, 2014 | Sponsored

3 Easy Methods to Create eLearning Videos

Video is becoming one of the most popular eLearning formats, yet many instructors aren’t sure where to begin. Luckily, creating video has never been easier! This article describes best practices in video learning and 3 easy methods for anyone to get started.
by Sandi Lin
August 29, 2014

Why, What and How To Move To Online Courses

As K-12 and university institutions and school districts shift to an online strategy, an important question is to ask, which courses should be online, face-to-face or blended? Universities, school districts and educational institutions in general often wrestle with which courses should be online and which face-to-face (F2F). This article offers three considerations to help universities and learning institutions think through this decision.
by Mary Burns
August 28, 2014

5 eLearning Websites to Revisit Before School Year

The new school year is nearly here, and it's a fair bet that you've forgotten most of what you were taught. All that summer fun has a tendency of pushing school right out of your head! Thankfully, with the advent of eLearning websites, it's easy to refresh your memory and brush up on all of those skills that you'll need to be successful in the coming year.
by Adam Fort
August 17, 2014

Top 10 Tips on How to Use Avatars in eLearning

In this article I'll share the top 10 tips that will help you to effectively use avatars in eLearning. So, if you're ready to motivate your learners and get them excited about eLearning deliverables, read on to find out how avatars can become an invaluable instructional aid in your next eLearning course.
by Christopher Pappas