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December 2, 2019 | Sponsored

5 Ways Microlearning Can Boost Your Corporate Training ROI

In lean times, corporate training is often the first area where budgets are trimmed. Organizations cut down on travel, lodging, and often put the brakes on developing new training. As a learning professional, microlearning is the perfect vehicle to propose to your clients under these circumstances.
by Amanda Costa
November 20, 2019

How To Boost Corporate Training ROI Through Microlearning

There is a saying, "the bigger, the better." Well, that might not be true in all cases, especially in the eLearning industry. In the latest trends in corporate online training, smaller is often considered a better approach to delivering top-notch training. How? By boosting your corporate training Return On Investment (ROI) through the microlearning approach in eLearning. In this article, we will explore the different ways to boost your corporate training ROI through microlearning.
by Naveen Neelakandan
November 18, 2019

eBook Release—Maximizing Microlearning: An Overview Of Short Form Learning In The Corporate Sector

Microlearning has become a rising trend. The industry has coined this term to describe a form of learning that is smaller than traditional education; however, the nuances of it are beyond short duration alone. Microlearning is all about engagement and focus. This eBook is a thorough guide that will provide you with the essential framework of microlearning and help you get the most out of it while doing less.
by Christopher Pappas
November 13, 2019 | Sponsored

5 Vital Elements Of Engaging Microcontent

Microcontent has been lauded as a quick cure-all, and its potential is indeed vast. But like any other training, there’s good microcontent and then there’s the rest. Here are 5 vital elements to make it the best of the breed.
by Shelly Immel
November 10, 2019 | Sponsored

The Uberization Of Workplace Learning

We’ve never truly recognized it, but our lives have been drastically rewired by the cloud. Businesses such as Uber, Spotify, and Airbnb, for example, have cut out the ‘middleman’ when it comes to booking transport, listening to music and finding holiday accommodation.
by Gerry Griffin