Remote Working

Do you have employees who are working remotely? Read the latest articles from eLearning experts to find out everything you need to know about Remote Working, including tips, tricks, and easy-to-implement solutions.

June 13, 2020

Impact Of Covid-19 On Recruitment

The inevitable impact of COVID-19 on businesses across the globe cannot be ignored. Companies are looking for innovative solutions to keep operations working smoothly through these unusual times. Right from employees to HR engaging employees remotely, we have a long way to go!
by Bhagyashree Shreenath
June 12, 2020

Is COVID-19 Disrupting Online Learning For Good?

While it is too early to see how COVID-19 will affect the adoption of digital learning, it is clear that the wheels of change have been set in motion. It is time to prioritize learning. And, perhaps, the one time in history when the L&D narrative will reflect a positive outcome from a calamity.
by Amit Gautam
May 31, 2020
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Sweats To Suits

This article is a commonsense guide for employees returning to the post-COVID-19 workplace—from sweats back to suits!
by Cindy Pascale