eLearning Security

Are you looking for the best tips on eLearning Security? Click for all the latest articles, written by our top eLearning authors. Share our eLearning Security resources or submit your article.

January 16, 2016

Enterprises Investing Billions In Business Security

Enterprises invest huge money, efforts, time, and energy to compete in the race, but forget to implement basic security measures. And when these businesses suffer from cyber attacks and security breaches, they close down. Nonetheless, you could somehow manage to recover from cyber exploits and other failure issues, but it’s unworkable when customer’s data are at risk. These inevitable issues bring business security to the forefront so much so that even the topmost companies continue to invest millions and billions.
by Vaishnavi Agrawal
October 11, 2014

6 Tips To Create a Safe and Secure eLearning Environment

In this article, I'll discuss how you can create a safe and secure eLearning environment for your audience. While it's next to impossible to prepare for every eventuality, there are a handful of ways that you can use to enhance the security of your eLearning environment in order to safeguard against some of the most common threats.
by Christopher Pappas
February 17, 2014

The 5 Best Internet Safety Resources for Teachers

The Internet is one of the greatest tools on the planet for enhancing student learning. It is a smorgasbord of information waiting to be devoured by hungry minds. However, it can also be a dangerous place where students find themselves alone and uneducated about how to handle tricky situations. Use these 5 Best Internet Safety Resources for Teachers to educate yourself and your students about how to be better and safer users of the World Wide Web.
by Christopher Pappas
January 20, 2014

Cloud-Based LMS: Is Your Data Safe In The Cloud?

Cloud-based Learning Management Systems are quickly growing in popularity. We trust our most sensitive information to our Learning Management System, including our courseware and learner information. But how safe is that data in the cloud? How much do you know about the security of your cloud-based LMS provider?
by Ryan Moore