Images In eLearning

Images In eLearning: news, trends and tips for the best practices in Images In eLearning. Find out more in our eLearning database. The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning articles about Images In eLearning, written by the top experts worldwide.

February 3, 2017

The Use Of Irrelevant Graphics In eLearning

We know that the use of media –including still graphics– can help people learn. Many of us feel pressure to include a graphic or illustration on every screen, yet research has shown that the use of irrelevant graphics in eLearning can result in a diminished learning experience.
by Ann Nemesh
January 13, 2017

The Role Of Graphic Design In eLearning

Graphic design plays a critical role in the success of eLearning courses. This article discusses 4 reasons why it is important to use graphic design in eLearning, plus some places to explore should you need help finding a graphic designer.
by Maricel Rivera
January 7, 2017

Graphics In eLearning: From A to Z

Graphics spark visual interest and grab your online learners' attention. They create an emotional connection and simplify complex ideas. However, to get the most out of your graphics, you need to follow a few all-important rules. In this article, I'll cover everything you need to know about the effective use of graphics in eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
December 19, 2016 | Sponsored

10 Design Principles Of Using Multimedia In eLearning

Multimedia have been effectively utilized in learning and their benefits for classroom learning are well documented. Since they are also well-adjusted to online learning, with the development of technology there are many elements to choose from. Here are 10 design principles to have in mind when using multimedia in eLearning.
by Heena Nanda
December 9, 2016

Corporate eLearning: Do You Know Why Pictures Help Us Learn?

How do we use eLearning to provide more effective solutions that engage talent and improve performance? Having a corporate eLearning program is one thing. Making it a success is another. Learn how we can abandon traditional learning methods, leverage technology, and empower employees to succeed. Here is how pictures help us learn in corporate training.
by Greg Blackburn
October 2, 2016

Adobe Spark Page: Igniting Creativity

Instructional Designers are constantly challenged with new and creative ways to share information with learners, and Adobe has come up with a fun and elegant set of tools to meet this challenge. In this article, I will discuss Adobe Spark Page.
by Donna L. Carter
July 11, 2016

4 Benefits Of Instructional Design Sketching

This article discusses the power of sketching during the Instructional Design process. It also lays out 4 specific ways Instructional Design sketching benefits the creation of eLearning interactions for targeting specific learner behaviors for performance improvement.
by Linda Rening, PhD