LMS Evaluation

Anything you need to know about LMS Evaluation, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of LMS Evaluation articles into eLearning Industry database. Click to read, share our valuable resources or submit your article!

October 8, 2013

Universities And Businesses: An Important Synergy

What will our world be like in ten years? Our research aims at defining an active pedagogy, and bringing together active learning environments. We aim to remap the ‘pedagogical’, and recognize that technologies such as cognitive technologies, or 'psycho-technology', mean to broaden horizons and break existing topographies.
by Valentina Piccioli
September 13, 2013

5 Essential Tools For Your LMS

Learning Management Systems are great tools, but at the end of the day, they're ultimately built for students, not trainers. Here's a five common components that we believe you should consider adding to your Learning Management System.
by John Peebles
August 26, 2013

Two Key Steps To Selecting And Loving Your First LMS

Would you believe that there are 329 steps you “should” take in order to find the best LMS for you? Certainly seems like it, right? What if I told you that in two steps you could be 99% sure you were selecting the right learning management system? Two steps to a system you loved!
by Jordan Barrish