Employee Onboarding

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August 8, 2017

eBook Release: Scalable Workforce Onboarding For Fast-Growing Brands

Scalable workforce onboarding is one of the key factors that contribute to long-term partnerships between companies and employees, service providers or channel partners. SchoolKeep’s eBook Scalable Workforce Onboarding For Fast-Growing Brands guides you through all aspects of the subject at hand. In this article, I’ll present what this great eBook has to offer.
by Christopher Pappas
July 3, 2017

Mobile Learning For Employee Onboarding: How Effective Is It?

In an age where the workforce is driven by sheer talent, it has become very important to have a structured and integrated employee onboarding program in place. The approach to talent development programs, onboarding, in particular, is integral to longer retention of employees. What kind of training and onboarding process actually works? How can mobile learning prove to be effective in enhancing the onboarding process for the employees as well as the organization?
by Amit Garg
May 28, 2017

Employee Pre-Boarding: eLearning Strategies To Help New Hires Get Started

Within one week of first starting a new job, 33% of new hires determine whether they want to stay or leave. That's why it's vital to make new hires feel welcomed and provide them with clarity about what to expect if you want to keep them. The first week also provides an opportunity to get them up to performance for improved efficiency. That's why it's important to start the process early with employee pre-boarding.
by Steve Penfold
November 22, 2016

5 Ways To Support Acculturation In Onboarding

From the way you dress on Friday to how you deal with serious issues, every organization has a culture. Your company culture is based on its mission and vision, and the little and big ways employees interact every day. For new hires, the first few days in the office may come as a culture shock. This makes acculturation a critical step in your employee onboarding process. Let us see 5 ways of supporting acculturation in onboarding.
by Keith Gibson
November 1, 2016

How To Reduce Healthcare Turnover With eLearning

Today's Healthcare industry is subject to many pressures: The need to reduce costs while improving patient care, high staff turnover, and the expected retirement of much of the nursing workforce in the years to come. Good news is, the sector is transforming itself. Here is how to reduce Healthcare turnover with the help of Learning Management System (LMS) -compliant solutions and eLearning platforms.
by Thomas De Praetere