10 Video-Based Learning Trends To Adopt To Deliver High-Impact Training In 2020

10 Video-Based Learning Trends
Summary: If you are looking at integrating video-based learning to create high-impact training in 2020, read on! In this article, I list 10 video-based learning trends that will help you achieve high engagement, better recall, and learning application.

Use Video-Based Learning To Help Deliver High-Impact Training

Using videos for learning has been around for a while, and videos are taking center stage as a key strategy to design employee training in 2020. In this article, I share my list of the top 10 video-based learning trends for 2020. Before I do that, let me summarize a few insights on why adopting video-based learning to deliver high-impact training makes business sense.

The Adoption Of Video-Based Learning In 2020

Videos are an immensely high-impact medium and when they are used for formal training, they offer:

  • A highly engaging learning experience.
  • A sticky learning experience leading to higher recall, support at the time of need, as well as the higher application of learning.

Modern learners are a demanding lot. They face challenges of distractions and multi-tasking, and they certainly do not want to carve out a large block of time for training. They want the training to be flexible, on-the-go (mobile learning), focused, bite-sized learning that helps them learn or solve a problem (microlearning), and they want it delivered in engaging and immersive formats that help them learn, practice, or handle a challenge. By opting for video-based learning, you can match it with their lifestyle and craft the learning journey accordingly.

Impact On Learning

I share an interesting stat that also confirms why video-based learning will help you deliver high-impact training: "one minute of video content was found to be equal to about 1.8 million written words for training retention.” (Forrester)

10 Video-Based Learning Trends You Can Use To Deliver High-Impact Training

1. Address Corporate Training Needs

You can use videos to address the complete spectrum of corporate training needs spanning across the following:

  • Online formal training that can be consumed “on the go”
  • Support Instructor-Led Training (ILT)—pre-workshop, during, and post-workshop
  • Instant or Just-In-Time learning aids
  • Informal learning
  • Social learning

2. Leverage Videos For Corporate Initiatives

Besides learning (formal, informal, online, or to support ILT), you can leverage videos for your key or strategic corporate initiatives, by:

  • Creating awareness
  • Supporting change management (pre and post)
  • Establishing an on-going connection with learners (even after the completion of the training)

3. Offer Microlearning Videos

With the increasing popularity and widespread adoption of microlearning-based training, videos can also be adapted to this mode.

You can offer short, focused microlearning videos (to meet a specific learning need) to supplement formal training or as Just-In-Time or instant job aids. They are also a great format for social learning.

4. Opt For Interactive Video

You can also opt for the next avatar of the traditional videos, that is, the interactive video. You can use it to offer longer videos that can address more complex concepts. You can use interactive videos to create highly engaging and immersive learning experiences.

Highlights of how you can leverage interactive videos are as follows:

  • You can add learner interactions similar to traditional eLearning (click to learn, hotspots, and so on).
  • Additionally, you can pause the learning to interject knowledge checks.
  • You can also add end-of-video summative assessments.
  • Unlike traditional videos, you can track interactive videos through an LMS.

5. Use Branching Videos

You can leverage video-based learning for decision making, analysis, or critical thinking by using branching videos.

By overlaying knowledge checks at key decision-making points, you can have learners understand the consequences of their choices. Depending on the selections/choices they make, you can direct them to multiple branches.

6. Integrate User-Generated Content

To successfully create a culture of continuous learning, you need to have engaged learners. One of the techniques that can create an environment of inclusive learning is to integrate User-Generated Content. On similar lines, crowd-sourced or user-generated videos can be used and can form an important asset format of this strategy. Today, learners can create videos through their smartphones that are very relatable and relevant, and the videos can also be used effectively to meet specific outcomes.

7. Integrate Public Domain Videos And User-Generated Videos

The interactive video framework can also be used to integrate public domain videos (from YouTube) and user-generated videos to create highly immersive learning experiences. These crowd-sourced videos/public domain videos could be used as stand-alone assets or in conjunction with custom learning paths featuring other related assets.

8. Combine 360-Degree Videos With Virtual Reality

You can combine the power of 360-degree videos with Virtual Reality (VR) to create highly immersive learning experiences. You can add gamification elements, scenarios, Just-In-Time learning aids (in microlearning formats) to the learning path to address diverse corporate training needs.

9. Conduct Personalized Trainings

Learners carve out time from their work schedule or personal time for training and they certainly want to maximize the value of these sessions. Instead of generic online trainings, they want to see relevant, personalized trainings. This is true for video-based learning too.

To offer the learners the flexibility to personalize a learning path (comprising of videos) make them searchable. This will help learners pick exactly what they want or what they need.

10. Rate And Recommend Videos

Provide an option to rate and recommend the videos (more likes reflect relevance for the targeted user group). You can meet the requisite L&D mandate through this simple feature.

I hope this article gives you a good comprehensive view of the power of video-based learning. In 2020, you will be able to leverage my list of 10 trends for video-based learning to:

  1. Fix a specific gap in the learner proficiency
  2. Address a specific need (i.e., a learning a process, new concept, or practice, etc.)
  3. Enhance skills (notably, decision making and critical thinking)
  4. Apply the acquired learning on the job
  5. Trigger a behavioral change

Meanwhile, if you have any specific queries, do contact me or leave a comment below.

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eBook Release: EI
EI is an emotionally intelligent learning experience design company that partners with customers in their Digital Transformation journey.