eBook Release: How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations

eBook Release: How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations
Kate Kultsevych/Shutterstock.com
Summary: All big organizations are on the lookout for successfully creating custom remote learning experiences. In this article, we will examine how this can be achieved quickly and effortlessly.

All About Creating Custom Remote Learning Experiences

As we are still in the middle of the ongoing pandemic, many organizations have almost forced to opt for remote learning. This would—to some extent—guarantee the health of their employees. But the question is, are corporations ready to create custom remote learning experiences for their workforce? And if yes, how will they succeed in this?

eBook Release: How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations
eBook Release
How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations
Learn how to deliver quality training in the shifting sands among onsite, completely remote, and blended learning.

Remote Learning Is The New Black

In the past, remote learning was not that popular. Sometimes, it even had a bad reputation if I may say so. Employers thought working from home would distract employees, and learning would not make the necessary impact or have the much-wanted results. However, over the last decade, we have all witnessed a change in this. More and more businesses thrive with remote teams and remote learning has been greatly implemented. Of course, the rise of technology and available mediums to do so is what made it possible. Still, remote learning needs thorough planning and management by experts in order to deliver results.

So, how can your corporation achieve offering and creating amazing custom remote learning experiences? The experts of Inno-Versity have carefully examined this issue and put together an amazing eBook that offers all the resources you need around the topic. In the eBook, How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations, you will discover the A-Z of custom remote learning.

Delving In The Most Useful Resource For Custom Remote Learning

As the learning delivery systems of corporations are changing, learning professionals have a lot to reflect on. To begin with is how they will achieve delivering quality training in every way possible—onsite, completely remote, and blended learning. Also, they must examine how effective the remote learning experience is in accordance with the corporation’s goals. This is why, in How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations, learning experts and professionals will find out valuable and in-depth information about the following:

  • Corporate Learning: The Shift To Custom Remote Training Delivery In Unprecedented Times
  • Utilizing Curriculum Mapping To Develop A Successful Customized Remote Learning Strategy
  • Custom Remote Learning Or Off-The-Shelf? A Classic Dilemma For L&D Managers
  • 12 Rapid Custom Training Development Tips For Your Remote Workforce
  • How Can Custom Interactive Training Content Improve Remote Training Effectiveness?
  • What Top Business Leaders Are Saying About Custom Remote Learning Solutions
  • 3 Examples Of Successful Curriculum Mapping
  • How To Accelerate A Rapid Custom eLearning Solution For Superb Training Results

What Learning Experts Will Get To Discover

What amazes me about this resource is that it explains in detail all you need to know about shifting to custom remote learning in your corporation. At first, you will get the chance to examine all about corporate learning and how to make this transition to custom remote training delivery. Next, you will delve into utilizing curriculum mapping to succeed in the development of a customized remote learning strategy. Make sure you don’t miss the most classic dilemma for L&D managers, explained in chapter 3. In addition, discover valuable tips on rapid custom training development and how can custom interactive training content can assist in training effectiveness.

Moreover, this eBook, How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations, features opinions of top business leaders about custom remote learning solutions. You don’t want to skip that, I bet! If you are willing to delve more deeply into curriculum mapping, Inno-Versity’s experts have provided you with examples in chapter 7. Finally, if you are looking for excellent training results, you will get to discover how to accelerate a rapid custom eLearning solution in the final part of the eBook.


You shouldn’t live in the past! You shouldn’t be intimidated by the changes of time! If you go with the flow of times, with careful planning and management, you can go far. Trust what’s changing, it might be of great benefit to your business and your learners. Anyway, you can spend time wondering, or freshen up your knowledge on the latest trends and become a winner.

All in all, it doesn’t really require much effort and hurdle to shift to remote learning. There are, however, some steps you should take, as well as a thorough understanding of the process. This is the reason why I strongly recommend getting the eBook, How To Create Custom Remote Learning Experiences For Large Corporations. This is one of the best resources available that you can follow in order to make sure you create top-notch custom remote learning for your corporation.

Originally published on November 17, 2020