The Importance Of Raising Self-Confidence In Online Training

The Importance Of Raising Self-Confidence In Online Training
Summary: As Stephen R. Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal, so aptly put it: "To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions." But what roles does self-confidence play in online training? In this article, we'll explore how perceptions about ability and talent may impact your corporate eLearning strategy.

How To Raise Self-Confidence In Online Training

Is anything truly impossible if we believe in ourselves and our ability to succeed? That is the question that lies at the heart of every online training experience, especially when challenging tasks or topics are involved. While the difficulty level of an online training activity may be a key factor, it is the self-confidence in online training that is often the deal breaker. After all, if employees believe that they are intelligent, aren't they more likely to seek out new knowledge and skills in order to achieve their "self-fulfilling prophecy"? Employees who believe in themselves and their own abilities have the power to:

1. Reach More Challenging Professional Goals

Corporate learners who know what they are capable of typically set and achieve more lofty goals. They aren’t afraid to take on new challenges because they have a sufficient amount of self-confidence and self-determination. Unfortunately, many corporate learners let doubt stand in the way of reaching their goals. Self-confident corporate learners, on the other hand, are aware of the risks involved and acknowledge that they will have to work hard to get what they want. This only fuels their dedication. These individuals look for ways to test their mettle and prove to themselves that they can achieve anything. As a result, they will get more out of the online training process. Give employees the ability to set their own training goals and objectives. Integrate periodic online assessments that allow them to track their progress and modify their behaviors along the way.

2. Identify Their Strengths And Improve Upon Their Weaknesses

Being self-confident doesn’t mean that you overlook your weaknesses and focus only on your strengths. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Self-confidence prompts corporate learners to analyze their habits and behaviors in order to determine their weaknesses. This may be a cathartic process, but it allows them to continually improve and grow as individuals. They also know how to utilize their strengths in every aspect of their lives, which gives them the opportunity to build those traits and skills even further. Encourage corporate learners to participate in branching scenarios and simulations and then offer immediate constructive feedback. Focus on their strengths and areas of improvement. Corporate learners who are struggling may benefit from external resources, such as eLearning articles or videos that deepen their comprehension.

3. Transform Failures Into Learning Opportunities

This is one of the key traits that sets self-confident corporate learners apart from the rest. Instead of looking at mistakes and failures as defeats, they understand that these events are merely opportunities to grow and learn. Each time they stumble and fall they take the time to look back on the situation, see where they went wrong, and then develop the skills they need to persevere. While some of their peers might obsess over past errors or misjudgments, self-confident corporate learners know that this will only hold them back. So, they keep moving forward and acknowledge that every online training experience, good or bad, brings them one step closer to reaching their goals. Cultivate a supportive online training culture that emphasizes the value of making mistakes. Praise employees who are doing well, and offer guidance and constructive feedback for those who may be underperforming.

4. Eliminate The Need For Peer Acceptance And Approval

Employees who believe that they are capable, intelligent, and resourceful do not need the approval of their peers. They know that they are on the right path and that's reason enough to pursue their goals. These corporate learners do not constantly compare themselves to others or let peer pressure dictate their decisions. Therefore, they have the power to follow their beliefs and personal values throughout the entire online training process, even if that puts them in the minority. Offer self-guided online training courses that give employees the power to go at their own pace. It's also important to pair this with group-based activities, which help corporate learners to acknowledge and respect the viewpoints of others and expand their own understanding.

5. Overcome Obstacles And Achieve Success On Their Own Terms

Certain employees may look at a hurdle and think of ways to knock it down. They aren't confident or self-aware enough to try and overcome it, which often leads to a self-defeating attitude. In online training situations, these staff members give up or disengage from the process. Self-confident corporate learners see a hurdle and their problem-solving and lateral thinking skills jump into action. They brainstorm all of the ways that they can jump right over it in order to achieve success. These corporate learners also seize every opportunity to learn and become better at what they do. In essence, they are lifelong learners who invest all of their time, effort, and talent into overcoming obstacles. As a result, they are able to fine-tune their talents by applying them on a regular basis. Create personalized online training paths for every employee. This should feature customized online assessments, activities, and goals that are based on their specific needs. Better still, allow them to choose their own path and offer them more control over the online training process.

Self-confidence is essential in online training, as it allows your corporate learners to achieve their real potential and pursue bigger and better goals. While there are some employees who already have a strong sense of self-worth, you can facilitate it in others by offering praise and cultivating an online training culture that is supportive and inspirational.

Intrinsically motivated learners are more likely to achieve training goals and have more positive perceptions of themselves. Read the article 6 Tips To Add Intrinsic Motivators In Online Training to discover how to increase intrinsic motivation in your corporate learners by adding intrinsic motivators in your online training strategy.