Corporate eLearning

Corporate eLearning: News, trends and tips for the best practices in corporate training. Find out more in our eLearning database

December 10, 2013

Can Apprenticeships Help U.S. Employers Close Their Skills Gaps?

Despite the need for more skilled employees, the number of apprenticeships in the U.S. has been declining. Evidence on the effectiveness and return on investment of apprenticeships is strong.There appears to be a real opportunity for apprenticeships in the U.S. Is Your Organization Ready To Leverage An Apprenticeship Model? Check the following article to find more.
by Steve Lowenthal
December 5, 2013

How to Focus Attention in Adult Learning and E-learning

Studies show that focus is a key attribute for performance improvement and success in life. Yet today’s modern workplace is full of distractions, from text to tweets. Check out these effective techniques for increasing focus for adult learners participating in e-learning, classroom training, and other learning events. From nano-learning to rewards, learn how to focus attention and improve e-learning outcomes.
by Cindy McCabe
November 21, 2013

How To Deal With Poor Employee Performance

Performance management is undoubtedly a significant part of every manager's job. The primary task of managers is to deliver high productivity by utilizing his/her team to reach its potential. Of course this is far from easy or simple. And periodically, even with effective management, motivated employees and a healthy environment, there will be some employees who are failing to meet performance expectations. At the following article you will find the top 5 tips to handle poor employee performance effectively.
by Jason Silberman
October 29, 2013

7 Instances To Build Your Training Rather Than Buy It

There are, no doubt, times when you should buy (purchase off the shelf) rather than build (custom develop) your company’s training. However, the times when you should build rather than buy are more often than you might think. Typically, your offerings will be a blend of the two. You should consider building your company’s training rather than buy it when…
by Robert Bilotti
October 28, 2013

The 5 Ws In The E-Learning Adoption For Enterprises

Success of Large organizations depends on their ability to keep information flowing across their departments so that it can reach the appropriate people at the right time. People have the ability to learn at every moment. The firm’s ability to assess, improve, motivate, and maintain their employee’s knowledge, actively affects the ability of the organization to succeed.
by Jacopo Mauri
October 22, 2013

Why Do Employees Forget Their Training?

Even the best looking online training courses will fail if they don’t take into account long-term knowledge retention. While easy to deliver, there is a responsibility to ensure that the information not only becomes a skill but an innate habit. Well developed elearning courses can help to stem the outward flow of knowledge.
by Eric Skilling
October 12, 2013

The Challenge Of Teaching Soft Skills

It is easy to lecture on soft skills and then for students to pass a test showing that they have learned the material. But will behavior really change as a result of the lecture and testing? Do role plays result in behavioral change? Research shows that behavior changes at a minimum require repeated practice with extensive feedback. Simulation technology now offers the capability to go past traditional training and produce effective soft skills training.
by Dale Olsen
October 10, 2013

Improving The Training Resource Review Process

When you send training resources out for review, are you getting back the type of constructive feedback you need? This article outlines 3 levels of review, and gives you 6 tips on how to apply these levels to get great feedback and take back control of the training resources review process. 
by Mary Hetherington