eLI Success Story

eLI is an internationally acknowledged company with headquarters in the US and a core team based in Athens. Our family has constantly grown and we’ve never lost sight of our founder’s core vision, which is to give eLearning professionals around the world the chance to share their knowledge and unique expertise with the community. Our culture is founded on authenticity, lifelong learning, and challenging the status quo.

August 17, 2022

Learning From Mistakes And Making Tough Choices: How eLearning Industry Built Its Company Culture On Integrity

The mood is celebratory at eLearning Industry, as we’re marking our 10th year. Over the course of the past decade, this online community of hundreds of thousands of eLearning enthusiasts has grown, born from a simple idea on an Athenian balcony. But what would an eLI celebration be without all of you? So, we’re kicking off a series of articles that delve into the core values that brought us where we are today.
by eLearning Industry Team