Employee Performance

Find here the best articles for Employee Performance written by our top corporate eLearning authors! Important information, tips, best practices, latest trends, and useful resources.

July 28, 2022

eLearning Skills 2030: Digital Skills

With the volume, velocity, and complexity of change along with the impact of the pandemic accelerated digital transformation, digital skills have become vital in helping organizations reimagine how they connect with their employees, customers, and stakeholders.
by Dr. Marina Theodotou
June 30, 2022

eLearning Skills 2030: Practicing Empathy

Practicing empathy is crucial because it can improve communication, minimize conflict, diffuse toxicity, prevent apathy, foster understanding, build trust, enhance collaboration, boost your organizational culture, increase productivity, and help improve business performance results.
by Dr. Marina Theodotou
June 15, 2022

eLearning Skills 2030: Sharpening Agility

Developing personal agility is actually complex because you have to sharpen, combine, and practice several skills, including practicing the agile process, asking more open-ended questions, actively listening, outsmarting your biases, and slowing down to go fast. This article shows you how.
by Dr. Marina Theodotou
June 9, 2022

eLearning Skills 2030: Building Grit

Grit is not talent, luck, or how much you really want something. Grit is what drives you to pursue a goal, day in and day out, no matter how challenging the odds. Grit is the fuel to the engine of a growth mindset and a vital skill today, in 2030, and beyond. Learn how to build it here.
by Dr. Marina Theodotou
June 2, 2022

eLearning Skills 2030: Sparking Curiosity

Curious learners pursue knowledge-rich and cognitively challenging work, are able to connect the dots and see patterns across seemingly unrelated fields, and usually come up with new ideas and ways to solve problems. This article discusses why curiosity is important and how to develop it.
by Dr. Marina Theodotou