Employee Performance

Find here the best articles for Employee Performance written by our top corporate eLearning authors! Important information, tips, best practices, latest trends, and useful resources.

December 1, 2021

4 Musts To Make SMEs Great

Without the benefit of large corporations' generous budgets and their ability to retain expert consultants, can small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) be at the forefront of best practices and new thinking? Yes, they can if they are smart! The 4 M guidelines inform how.
by Phil McInnes
November 28, 2021

EAR: Can You Really Listen?

You are only really listening when you can accurately verbalize what you are hearing, seeing, and feeling in a holistic sequence and in a well-defined context. There are significant benefits to be gained from developing this capability. The EAR acronym makes it easy to remember and practice.
by Phil McInnes