Learning Management Systems

Here you can find the top articles about Learning Management Systems, their benefits, concepts, features and many more from the best eLearning authors. See more

June 28, 2016

It Just Works, Part 1: Native Integrations With TalentLMS

TalentLMS is pretty awesome, but we need to admit this: It's not the only tool you need. Thankfully, the code genies at HQ have worked on integrations with many awesome complimentary tools. In this article, we'll examine native integrations with TalentLMS and specifically commerce and content management tools.
by Nikos Andriotis
June 17, 2016

Considering Buyers And Users: Create eLearning’s Novel Learning Management System Approach

What do you do when you need a Learning Management System (LMS) to train patients, doctors, and nurses across the world, in up to 67 languages across all time zones, on how to use data capture and patient compliance technologies to remain Good Clinical Practice compliant? You look for eLearning course building tools that can help you do these things, right? Enter Create eLearning.
by Bob Little