Blended Learning Solutions

Learn how Blended Learning Solutions affect your eLearning course design. Read all the latest articles about Blended Learning Solutions from our top eLearning authors.

July 10, 2019

Use Vicarious Learning To Enrich Your Teaching Blend

The unique ability of human beings to observe and think through what they are hearing, seeing and feeling creates the not-to-be-missed opportunity for vicarious learning. This powerful opportunity can deliver continuous iteration and reinforcement of capability if we teach people how to use it.
by Phil McInnes
June 3, 2019 | Sponsored

Why Does Blended Learning Work?

Blended learning is a fine-tuned combination of onsite and online instruction that creates powerful learning experiences. Blended learning requires a wide range of instructional tools and methods and enables the instructor to deploy more tailor-made tactics for each specific learning objective.
by Chris Khouri