eLearning Authoring Tool

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October 28, 2016

Adobe Captivate Draft: From Storyboarding To Managing Your eLearning

Time is valuable, especially if you happen to be an eLearning pro who needs to create amazing online training experiences in a flash. This is why it’s essential to choose an authoring tool that takes care of every step of the process, such as Adobe Captivate Draft. In this article, I’ll explore how Adobe Captivate Draft can take you from storyboarding to eLearning tracking and beyond.
by Nipun Sharma
June 3, 2016

Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools: 5 Pros And 3 Cons To Consider

You need to develop your eLearning course in a fraction of the time and on a tight budget, but are rapid eLearning authoring tools really your best bet? Will rapid eLearning course design come at the cost of quality? In this article, I’ll shed light on 5 pros and 3 cons of using rapid eLearning authoring tools for your next eLearning project.
by Christopher Pappas
March 16, 2016

eLearning Authoring Tool Costs: 7 Factors To Consider

eLearning authoring tools give eLearning professionals the opportunity to develop eLearning content in a fraction of the time. Even those with no prior graphic design experience can create interactive and immersive multimedia elements and visual learning materials for eLearning. But what is the real price for all of these perks? In this article, I'll explore 7 of the most important factors to consider when calculating eLearning authoring tool costs.
by Christopher Pappas
July 27, 2015

Storyboarding: Key Point Of Success In Collaborative Course Authoring

In this article I will give you some advice regarding best storyboard creation practices, and also explain in what situations you will be best served to not use them. I will begin by reminding you that a storyboard is something like a schematic of your course that displays its main ideas and sometimes even its design in a clear and demonstrative manner.
by Michael Treser
July 19, 2015

Storyboarding: A Simple Way To Get Professional In Course Authoring

You will be well served by making a habit of drafting a rough scheme of the course before starting any actual work on it. This draft should outline the main pages of the course, and will aid you all the way throughout the course creation. eLearning professionals call such drafts “storyboards” and use them extensively. Let’s take a closer look at what storyboards are, and how you can use them to start building better courses in a more efficient manner.
by Michael Treser
July 2, 2015

eLearning 101: Getting Started With Online Training

When I first started working at Trivantis, I had the hardest time explaining to my friends and family exactly what an “eLearning authoring tool” was. Most of the time I settled on “You know when you have to sit at a computer and take a course that tells you not to sexually harass your coworkers? That’s eLearning.” Everybody gets that, and everyone laughs. I’m so funny, right? (No.) But there’s so much more to eLearning, or online training, or virtual learning, or mLearning, as people are starting to call it these days.
by Stephanie Ivec