Performance Support

Find here everything you need to know about online training practices, performance support tips and tools, definitions and advices, all written by the best eLearning professionals worldwide. Share our valuable resources or submit your article!

December 17, 2021

2022 CLO Paradigm Shift: From Learning To Performance

While LMSs are good solutions for allowing individuals to learn in today’s world of remote and distributed teams, it’s the combination of learning plus performance that truly makes an impact on the bottom line. Here is why Performance Enablement Platforms (PEPs) are leading the way.
by George Elfond
October 11, 2021 | Sponsored

Reskilling And Leadership: Retraining Employees To Bridge Gaps And Bolster Confidence

The challenge to retrain employees is a worldwide issue that cuts across organizations and business sectors. In 2017, McKinsey estimated that 375 million workers (or 14 percent of the global workforce) would have to change jobs or acquire new skills by 2030. The prime reasons are the rise of automation and artificial intelligence. Retraining concerns us all: so, what does it involve, how do you go about it and what’s the role of leadership?
by Emma Whiteside