Impact Of Learning And Learning Measurement On Business

Impact Of Learning And Learning Measurement On Business
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Summary: Investing in learning is vital for any organization that wishes to grow. By understanding the impact that learning has on your organization and how you can measure this impact, you navigate toward a growth mindset that can help you achieve your goals.

How Learning Impacts Τhe Business

The impact of learning on a business is immense. A new employee’s ability to retain learning can impact the business in a multitude of ways. Without proper training, they could make a mistake that could damage the company’s reputation, cost the company money, or even worse, injure themselves or someone else. Ideally, training inspires employees to solve problems, equips them with information to adapt and innovate, and helps grow their careers. Strong learning programs also impact employee engagement, which in turn impacts retention. A LinkedIn survey found that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. This includes the development of your L&D teams. Driven by the desire to help people succeed, high-caliber L&D staff is continually adopting new tools and techniques to keep learners engaged and ensure learning retention.

eBook Release: Lead The Charge With State-Of-The-Art Live Virtual Learning
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Lead The Charge With State-Of-The-Art Live Virtual Learning
Download the eBook Lead The Charge With State-Of-The-Art Live Virtual Learning and learn how to apply the principles of online learning.

The ecosystem of learning extends beyond employees to customers. Mistakes due to inadequate training can impact customers by delivering incorrect information and installing products incorrectly leading to product returns and customer dissatisfaction. High-quality training drives revenue by equipping employees to create positive customer interactions and deliver innovations that help retain customers. The quality of learning at a given company impacts future business by contributing to satisfaction ratings, which in turn contribute to the overall corporate reputation. Additionally, in times of uncertainty, effective training can foster business agility and real-time adaptability. Indeed, the overall perception of the corporate culture is the additive experience of all interactions within a company, and this includes its approach to training.

At a time when people must be physically apart, live virtual learning has the opportunity to bring people together in new collaborative scenarios, reinforcing a shared culture. Technology that creates connections among employees and empowers them with knowledge is a worthy investment—if it’s implemented with the employee experience in mind.

Full Ecosystem For Successful Training Outcomes

  • Employees
    I have the knowledge I need to do my job safely and competently. I am supported in my career growth.
  • L&D team
    I am equipped with the tools that help me do my job well and preserve my time. I can use my creative abilities and Instructional Design knowledge to engage learners.
  • Customers
    We receive great service, functional products, and the information needed to take full advantage of them.
  • Potential customers
    I want to do business with this company because it makes good products and its employees are competent.
  • Potential employees
    This company looks like a great place to work because it takes such good care of its people.

How Learning Measurement Can Support The Business

In-person learning outcomes can be measured through attendance and surveys and correlated to other measurable factors such as employee retention, employee and customer satisfaction, and employee performance and engagement. Outcomes can also be extrapolated to business results such as sales and customer retention (as discussed in the previous section).

In comparison to in-person learning, the virtual setting offers more granular access to metrics for L&D to measure success. Most virtual learning tools provide some measure of engagement with the training, such as poll reports. Engagement metrics are not necessarily an indicator of success, as some of the most engaged students take notes in another application during presentations.

To account for this, enhanced VILT tools that offer multiple interaction options can view participation levels for each of these interactions. Tools that provide focused chat sessions can help companies gauge interest in a subject by offering metrics on each chat separately. Results from activities such as quizzes indicate learner understanding. Instructors can use this information to guide future training to better match learners' interests and needs.

Surveys are an increasingly important tool in fostering employee engagement as companies navigate the new world of business, and they should be applied to measuring learning satisfaction, outcomes, and surfacing new topics to include in training.

A continuous listening approach to employee engagement that includes other sources of content—such as internal chat tools—in addition to surveys will likely reveal areas that can be included in trainings, whether as actual learning points or topics of discussion. To make this happen, HR and L&D need to work closely together to create workable feedback loops. Companies that offer customer training or include an education program in their business models need to seriously consider enhanced VILT tools to maximize earning outcomes, as they directly impact revenue.


Download the eBook Lead The Charge With State-Of-The-Art Live Virtual Learning and discover how to combine the principles of online learning with cutting-edge technology in order to lead your business to success.

eBook Release: Adobe Connect
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