Corporate eLearning

Corporate eLearning: News, trends and tips for the best practices in corporate training. Find out more in our eLearning database

November 10, 2016

Using eLearning To Promote New Literacy

One form of “literacy” just isn’t enough anymore! From just reading and writing to coding, from healthcare to financial; each form of new literacy has proponents saying you simply can’t succeed in the modern world without it. eLearning may be the only way to keep up and stay literate.
by Edgar Wilson
November 9, 2016

70:20:10 - Everything You Need To Know

An evaluation of the current state of learning in the workforce. 70:20:10 could be the projected solution to all of our learning deficits. This article offers a comprehensive look into how we learn, and how to effectively cater the learning mix, with an emphasis on the benefits of doing so.
by Britt Hafner
November 5, 2016

3 Ways To Make Sure Your Employees Care For Self-Paced Learning

When developing courses for experienced learners, it is important to keep in mind what motivates them to invest their time in learning. So, if you want a positive response to your online courses, it pays to design and promote courses keeping in mind adult learning principles. This is how to get the employees of your organization to care for self-paced learning.
by Asma Zaineb
November 5, 2016

3 Fundamentals To Creating A Successful Customer Training Program

Successful customer training requires more than creating compelling eLearning. The Learning Management System platform and marketing strategy are just as critical, but are often overlooked until very late. Read on to learn more about the 3 fundamental building blocks to creating a successful customer training program.
by Sandi Lin
October 30, 2016

4 Factors That Will Shape The Future Of Workplace Learning

Leading companies are exploring ways to future-proof their organizations – have skilled teams that can respond to any opportunities and enjoy higher productivity gains. Learning and Development can charter this path for companies by rethinking ways to manage performance and foster continuous education. Here are 4 factors that will shape the future of workplace learning.
by Vandit Goyal