Corporate Learning And Development

Corporate Learning and Development: News, trends and tips for the best practices in Corporate Learning and Development. Find out more in our eLearning database.

September 7, 2018

Millennials In Manufacturing: 6 New Age Training Strategies

Manufacturing companies are focusing on making the industry attractive for the Millennials. They have to revisit their training strategies to make it relevant for this workforce. Training strategies need to become more engaging, inspiring, and easy to consume. Use of technology can significantly help.
by Mangesh Wagh
September 3, 2018

eBook Release – Tailoring Sales Enablement: Accelerate Sales With Accommodating Tech

What sellers go through, and the many ways they have to work around each case, to reach a certain amount of sales, is a tale of hardship. It is of great importance for the entire organization as well. Sales enablement and platforms that promote it are the tools that have what it takes to give a new, different spin to this tale. From theory to course of actions and analyses, this must-read gives you knowledge that is promptly transformed to power, all for you to use.
by Christopher Pappas
August 30, 2018 | Sponsored

Social Media In Learning And Development: Preparing For The Next Generation Workforce

There is a push towards the integration of technology in training environments to enhance the learning experience, but no set limit, no defined structure, no curated approach that tells us how far we can go, or how creative we can get when leveraging technology for training. The tech savvy, next generation workforce, is a provoking force whose learning habits, characteristics, styles, and expectations can guide innovation in corporate training.
by Nolan Hout
August 28, 2018 | Sponsored

8 Signs Your Compliance Training Needs An Update

Compliance is a complex and ever-changing area, and compliance training needs to keep pace with it. But it’s not just about keeping course materials up to date to reflect changes. The way training is delivered and the way it responds to the needs of its audience also need constant consideration.
by Paul Healy