Employee Engagement

Looking for ways to engage employees in your online training? Motivation tips, learning needs, modern learners’ characteristics, anything you need to know about Employee Engagement, written by the best eLearning experts.

August 26, 2016

5 Advantages Of Microlearning And An Inspirational Quote Behind eLearning’s Fastest Process!

Winston Churchill once said “Personally, I am always ready to learn; although I don’t always like being taught”. And with that, he said it all. In a business world that moves at high speed and requires fast reactions, the learning options should adjust to reflect exactly this. Here are some of the most important advantages of microlearning, eLearning’s fastest process that lays the foundation for effortless, yet effective learning.
by Elias Parlavantzas
August 11, 2016

Applying The Moggridge Learner Framework In Online Training

Online learner behavior is an important consideration in every stage of the development process, from choosing the ideal eLearning authoring tool to creating memorable online training materials. In this article, I'll share everything you need to know about the Moggridge Learner Framework, so that you have the ability to create learner-centric online training courses based on your employees' level of engagement.
by Christopher Pappas