12 Hidden eBook Gems To Add To Your eLearning TBR List Today
It's time (again) to dive into the virtual bookshelves and showcase titles that you may have overlooked. These hidden eBook gems cover everything from immersive storytelling to performance consulting. If you're looking for an eLearning beach read, check out the 12 essential eLearning eBooks below.
1. An L&D Manager’s Mobile Learning Guide To Leverage Personalized Content For Skills Training By CommLab India
Mobile technology is affecting every aspect of our lives, including how we work and learn. As such, L&D leaders can no longer ignore mobile learning’s potential for corporate learning. This eBook explores how you can utilize mobile learning for skills training and beyond.
2. Top Considerations When Choosing An Enterprise Live Virtual Training Solution By The Elearning Guild
How do you deliver effective and impactful virtual training? This is a great guide to help you find the ideal enterprise learning solution for your organization, including all the criteria you should consider to maximize ROI.
3. Getting Ahead Of The Curve: Futureproofing Corporate Training With Learning And Performance Consulting By EI Design
This ultimate guide provides insights on why you should tap into the power of Learning and Performance Consulting to plan the course of a successful Virtual Training Transformation. It also covers adopting approaches to address the New Normal.
4. Virtual Training—SweetRush Style: 5 Inspiring Case Studies For A Learner-Centered Approach By SweetRush
Are you accelerating the digital transformation of your learning program and looking for fresh ideas? Discover 5 virtual training case studies—unique challenges, audiences, and solutions to spark inspiration for your learning portfolio.
5. How Custom Learning Experiences Help Build A Continuous Improvement Culture By Kineo
Continuous improvement lays the foundation for almost every business improvement model. This eBook explores how it is ultimately tied to learning—and how a great approach and custom learning experiences can help you achieve organizational goals.
6. 8 Tips For Boosting Your eLearning With Performance Consulting By AllenComm
Building a culture of learning helps transform your organization’s people and processes, as well as drive engagement and employee performance. Download this eBook to discover Instructional Design best practices and training insights from experienced performance consultants.
7. Text-To-Speech For L&D Pros: The Next Frontier Of Storytelling By WellSaid Labs
Gone are the days of robotic AI voices. This guide explores how to connect with your online learners and break down accessibility barriers with the best tech tools. It also highlights the many benefits of lifelike speech synthesis and tips to choose the best AI voice generator software for your corporate training videos.
8. Modern Learning Business Case Workbook By D2L
From defining modern learning to checklists for engaging stakeholders, this workbook has valuable resources to help you successfully achieve buy-in for investing in a modern learning strategy within your organization.
9. Digital Learning Maturity In Your Organization By CrossKnowledge
What is Digital Learning Maturity. Furthermore, how can L&D use it as a key to unlock the value of learning? Uncover the unique framework CrossKnowledge uses to assist and guide their clients throughout their maturity journey.
10. The Ripple Effects Of Customer Training On Loyalty And Customer Satisfaction By Adobe
Can the right LMS help you improve CX and retain loyal customers? This guide highlights the far-reaching effects of customer training on brand advocacy, satisfaction scores, and long-term business growth. You'll also learn how to maximize metrics and enhance your customer onboarding process with a solid strategy and LMS technology.
11. Nurturing Modern Learners With Modern Learning Technologies By UpsideLMS
With remote working and learning becoming a norm, L&D has had to reinvent itself to suit the needs of modern learners. This eBook offers insights to help L&D professionals nurture in-house talent and improve employee engagement.
12. Creating Value Through Outsourcing: How L&D Teams Can Leverage Strategic Partnerships To Meet The Enhanced Expectations From The Business By EI Design
This eBook shares offers insights on how L&D teams can leverage eLearning outsourcing to address the acceleration in demand for training and the evolving needs of your organization.
Everything For The eLearning Bookworm...
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