11 results matching your search criteria.

Absorb LMS

An AI-powered learning management system for enterprises across all industries to train and upskill employees, customers, partners, and members anywhere in the world. Read more

(72 reviews) "Absorb is a great program with ecellent onboarding support."

Connecteam - Mobile Teams LMS

Connecteam is an award-winning all-in-one employee management platform. Tailored for the unique demands of non-desk workforce industries such as construction, cleaning, food and beverage, retail, hospitality, healthcare and security. Read more

AI Coach

The AI Coach App provides personalized training through realistic conversation simulations with an AI Persona, adapting and replying to learners' input and providing immediate feedback to ensure they are ready when it counts. Read more

Archipel Academy

The all-in-one learning platform for unlimited growth Read more


Online platform for teachers, schools, and course authors, allowing interactive classes, course creation, and organizing the complete cycle of the learning process. Read more


A seamless content creation tool, a dynamic Learning Management System (LMS), and a responsive Learning Experience Platform (LXP) interface, all in one! Enabley is an essential tool for all deskless learning, wherever and whenever that might be. Read more


What can your employees learn in 15 minutes? getAbstract saves L&D teams countless hours looking for and evaluating content, making it a crucial add-on to any learning solution. Read more

Jotform Enterprise

Jotform Enterprise is simple and customizable, allowing you to create beautiful, customized forms that meet your needs, with response data securely stored online. Read more

Knowledge Gym

Knowledge Gym is an innovative mobile solution that provides hyper-personalized and bite-sized learning methods to ensure employees internalize and apply new knowledge and skills acquired in trainings. Read more

Learner Bubble

A smart learning management system with a wealth of built-in features to engage your learners and remove any admin worries. With an easy to use interface and a suite of in-built learning products, it's the simple solution, that gets results. Read more


A web browser based online training management, compliance and training matrix software. Read more

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Learning Management Systems Complete Buyer's Guide

Learning Management System Basics: Functions And Features eLearning Pros Must Know

The term "Learning Management System" (LMS) makes an appearance quite frequently in eLearning articles, tip sheets, and beginner’s guides. As such, it’s important to get a good grasp on what a Learning Management System entails and the benefits it brings. Is a Learning Management System really worth the resources? Or will a more traditional approach suffice? What are the advantages of investing in an LMS, and which features should you look for? Are there different hosting and pricing plans you should keep in mind? This article will address all these questions and give you the real insider scoop on Learning Management Systems so that you can decide whether a new LMS is right for your online training program or not.

What Is A Learning Management System?

The role of a Learning Management System varies depending on the organization’s objectives, online training strategy, and desired outcomes. However, the most common use for LMS software is to deploy and track online training initiatives. Typically, assets are uploaded to the Learning Management System, which makes them easily accessible for remote learners. In some cases, the LMS can even have built-in eLearning authoring tools that allow you to develop online training materials without additional third-party software.

Think of a Learning Management System as a vast repository where you can store and track information. Anyone with a login and password can access these online training resources whenever and wherever. For self-hosted Learning Management Systems, users must also have the learning management software installed on their hard drive or access to the company’s server. Whatever the installation option, the thing to bear in mind is that LMS users fall into two categories: First, online learners who use the Learning Management System to participate in online training courses; second, your eLearning team who relies on the LMS platform to disburse information and update the online training content.

What's the Best Learning Management System?
Let us help you find the best LMS Systems to stay efficient and productive. Explore user reviews and top features!

What Are The Benefits Of Using LMS Platforms?

1. Organize And Safely Store Big Data

Learning Management Systems allow you to gather all Big Data in one location. This also makes it easier to maintain and update your learning materials. In addition, most LMSs offer advanced encryption so that you don’t have to worry about data falling into the wrong hands.

2. Monitor Learner Progress And Performance

Virtually all LMS platforms offer built-in reporting and analytics. Thus, you’re able to track various aspects of your online training program. If the Learning Management System lacks sufficient reporting capabilities, you can typically purchase add-ons or plug-ins to boost its functionality. You can track everything from learner engagement to eLearning assessment results. This means that you can identify patterns and trends, especially since plenty of LMSs provide data visualizations, such as graphs and charts.

3. Improve Resource Allocation

There are a number of ways that LMS software can help you allocate online training resources more effectively. First and foremost, you can identify aspects of your online training program that aren’t meeting expectations. Low learner engagement is usually an indicator that you should reevaluate an online training module or activity. Secondly, Learning Management Systems help your eLearning team update online training assets more rapidly. Then there’s the matter of deploying online training resources on a global scale. Thus, you have the power to keep corporate learners up to date using a single tool.

4. Personalize The Online Training Experience

You can assign different learning paths or online training resources for individual corporate learners with the help of an LMS. Therefore, everyone gets the individualized online training they require based on their learning goals, job duties, etc. There’s even the option to unlock the navigation so that corporate learners can choose their own online training activities and coursework. All this translates into more effective online training experiences and increased learner satisfaction. Not to mention, improved memory retention and engagement.

5. Improve eLearning Accessibility

Modern learners expect online training resources on demand. After all, we live in the digital age where information is always at our fingertips, thanks to smartphones and wearable tech. Learning Management Systems allow you to deploy and track online training courses without geographical limitations. So long as they can log into the system, corporate learners have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and hone skills.

Which Businesses Can Leverage LMS Systems?

Learning Management Systems are beneficial for educational institutions and corporations alike. Extended enterprise online training is yet another application for LMS platforms. For example, companies are able to deploy online training resources to external sales channels, franchisees, and even customers.

It’s vital to identify your organizational and training objectives before you start the LMS selection process, as LMS vendors typically cater to different consumer groups. Some specialize in eCommerce, while others are known for their sales online training features. For instance, the power to integrate CRM software.

Here are the customer types that can take advantage of LMS systems:

Large Enterprises

Larger organizations can use an extended enterprise LMS to track hundreds or thousands of employees. Not to mention, deploy global online training initiatives. In some cases, they even offer extended enterprise features so that you can keep franchisees and sales channels in the loop.

Small And Medium Businesses (SMBs)

Small and medium businesses can benefit from an LMS for SMBs as they can utilize fewer human resources. These tools also scale along with your business to adapt to your ever-changing training needs.


eLearning freelancers who work with multiple clients and must deliver a diverse range of deliverables can leverage these tools. An LMS for freelancers can offer built-in collaboration tools, which allow you to fly solo or work with a remote eLearning team. Besides, you might find affordable price plans for this type of system.

Learning Management System Deployment Options

Cloud-Based (SaaS)

LMS software hosted on the cloud. The LMS vendor and their administrators will see to the maintenance of the system and carry out any tech upgrades or updates. Online learners and collaborators login to the Learning Management System with a user name and password. There’s no need to install any software, which makes it a great option for businesses that want to get started as soon as possible. The best online learning platforms also offer various tools and options that can help you. The downside is that some cloud-based Learning Management Systems cannot be customized. For example, there are fewer opportunities to incorporate branding or personalize the dashboard.


LMSs that require software downloads. The LMS vendor can either offer direct downloads from their site or you must request physical software discs. However, the former is more common these days. Self-hosted LMS platforms allow for greater creative control and customization. The disadvantages are that you usually have to pay for updates and the system may require IT know-how.

Desktop Application

The LMS app is installed on the desktop. Some desktop apps are even accessible on multiple devices, making it easy for your entire eLearning team to collaborate.

Mobile Application

Learning Management Systems that are accessible whenever, wherever via mobile devices. You can upload online training content so that online learners can track online training initiatives on the go.

Licensing Options For Learning Management Systems

Open Source

Open-source Learning Management Systems are generally free and based online. You’re able to modify the source code in order to suit your needs. In addition, multiple open-source options have active online communities, which means that you will be able to get tips and troubleshooting assistance if you do encounter a problem. The drawback is that you typically need some degree of programming experience.

Free License

There are a number of free LMS options, usually open-source systems. However, the money that you save on licensing or monthly fees may be spent on IT staff, especially if you don’t have any programming experience. In addition, you may have to deal with a steep learning curve to get the most from a Learning Management System.

Paid License

Paid Licence Learning Management Systems require a monthly or yearly fee. Some even allow you to purchase the software outright. They typically offer more advanced support options and user-friendly features.

Pricing Models For Learning Management Systems


Instead of paying per user, this LMS pricing plan involves a licensing fee. Typically, an annual fee that you must renew on a yearly basis, or an outright upfront fee that grants unlimited lifetime access. However, as technology advances, you’ll probably still have to purchase replacement software in the near future.


An LMS subscription fee usually grants you access to all LMS features or relies on a pay-per-user model. This pricing model involves a fee for each user, or active user. In some cases, the LMS vendor offers different price brackets. For example, the fee covers up to 25 active learners. This is a great solution for smaller organizations who try to minimize online training software costs, but still want to be able to scale the Learning Management System as their company expands.


This software option is free for basic LMS features but a fee is charged for more advanced functionalities, such as add-ons or upgrades. Because of this, it is hard to include them when doing an LMS price comparison.

Perpetual License

If the software offers a perpetual license, you will only need to pay for it when you buy it. This saves you the cost of fees and subscriptions.

LMS Specification Support Types

SCORM 2004

This set of standards helps eLearning authoring tools and eLearning content communicate with the Learning Management System. SCORM 2004 enables tools to format eLearning content in such a way that is shareable across the board.

Tin Can API

Also known as Experience API, Tin Can spec support is often viewed as the follow-up to SCORM. It allows for external learning activities and tracking, and allows eLearning pros to develop and deploy native mobile apps.


Aviation Industry CBT Committee support allows the LMS and eLearning content to communicate via HAC protocols. In essence, the system relies on an HTML form to transmit the information, then the LMS relays the information back via text.


Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) was introduced by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. It specializes in apps that are hosted remotely, as well as web-based eLearning content.

Top Features To Look For In Learning Management Systems

1. Reports And Analytics

You must be able to monitor your online training initiatives to determine if they are on target or require minor adjustments. The same rule also applies to individual learner performance. Are corporate learners engaging with online training content? Is it giving them all the information they require to achieve their learning objectives? These are questions that can be answered with a robust reporting system built into your new LMS. Learning Management Systems also offer analytics that allow you to monitor online training on individual and group level. For example, determine whether a certain percentage of your audience has completed the online training course requirements or not, or how long they take to complete each online training activity on average. Most will even deliver the analytics right to your inbox via automated email reports.

2. Responsive Design

Some of the top Learning Management Systems have a responsive design. Multiplatform-friendly online training resources give everyone the chance to benefit from your online training course. Even those who prefer to use their smartphones or tablets to access the learning materials. Thus, your LMS should be responsive, enabling you to create a master layout that features distinct breakpoints. The Learning Management System automatically displays the most suitable version based on the user’s device. For example, shrinks images down to size so that they don’t occupy the entire smartphone screen. Ideally, you should be able to preview each version and apply the necessary modifications before launch. It’s also wise to look for a tool that allows corporate learners to download the learning material and view them offline. Especially when internet accessibility isn’t an option.

3. Intuitive User Interface

Feature-rich systems aren’t of much use if your eLearning team is unable to use the user interface and navigate the LMS platform. The same goes for your corporate learners. Does the tool make it easy for them to access the coursework, or does it present its own set of challenges? The LMS you choose should have an intuitive user interface that aligns with your eLearning team’s skillsets and abilities. For this reason, it’s essential to get their input before deciding on a platform. In addition, you should take advantage of LMS free trials and demos to ensure it’s user-friendly.

4. Support Services

LMS vendors offer different support services. As such, you should determine the level of assistance you require based on your eLearning team’s experience level and the complexity of the tool. For example, novice eLearning teams might require more extensive support in order to utilize the system effectively. Many LMS vendors also host online discussions that allow you to connect with other users, in addition to online training tutorials, guides, and tip sheets. You may be able to pay for additional support services if you require more advanced options, such as a toll-free number that gives you direct access to a trained tech.

5. eLearning Assessment Tools

You should assess your corporate learners periodically to identify gaps and intervene when necessary. Therefore, the LMS must be able to support a broad range of eLearning assessment methods. Many even offer built-in eLearning assessment tools, such as eLearning templates. Lastly, there must be LMS reports dedicated to eLearning assessment tracking.

6. Gamification Features

Some employees require extra incentives to actively engage in your online training course. Game mechanics give them the motivation they require in the form of badges, points, and leaderboards. The key is finding an LMS that has built-in gamification features so that you can easily incorporate these rewards.

7. Compliance And Certification Support

This is an essential feature for businesses that provide company policy and compliance online training, as well as those that require more advanced certification features, including the tracking of individual skill and performance gaps. You can also refer to the LMS records in the event of an audit, which helps prevent violations and fines.

8. Social Learning Support

Social learning gives corporate learners the chance to interact with peers and share their experiences. Many Learning Management Systems now feature integrated social media tools. For example, tracking online discussion participation, or incorporating a news feed into your eLearning course design.

9. Localization

Multilingual support is crucial for businesses that plan to deliver worldwide online training resources. Every member of your team should have the same opportunity to develop their professional skills. Some LMSs even feature geolocation features that automatically display the appropriate version of the online training course.

These are just the basic LMS components and considerations. Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all LMS. Every organization has unique training needs and budgetary constraints. Thus, you should do your homework to find the LMS that meets your requirements and benefits both your corporate learners and bottom line.

Are you interested in learning more about LMS pricing plans? Read the article "The Insider's Guide To Learning Management Systems' Pricing Models" to explore the most common Learning Management System pricing models to consider, from perpetual licensing to pay-per-use. This way you can determine which option is best for your budget and training needs.

Also, don’t forget to check out our free LMS directory, which allows you to filter your search results based on deployment, customer type, licensing, and pricing models.

Utilizing The Best LMS Tools For Specific Use Case Scenarios

Implementing an LMS to enhance your training needs is vital for any organization. The same goes for educational institutions that need to start eLearning training or like to use it to complement classroom learning.

In the time we live in, every aspect of our communication has been taken over by technology. As the years advance, your L&D department will realize that you require a training solution. Such a solution not only will help organize your programs but will also assist in keeping your learners’ engagement high. Keeping track and reporting each stakeholder’s development is equally crucial.

An LMS can help accomplish your training needs, so the best thing you can do is to make the best LMS purchase to fit or even exceed your expectations. If you are working for a large enterprise or an SMB, one thing is certain: an LMS can be a great tool to boost your business growth.

Employee Training

Employee training done right is a burden for plenty of L&D managers and HR managers. As a manager, you should have clear objectives and take into consideration several factors that will help define if you require an LMS or not. What’s more, a corporation might invest a strong cash flow in training new hires or in developing existing workforce skills, but if your LMS solution is not ideal for your needs, the result might not be that satisfying. Don’t worry about that, though. I’m going to analyze this thoroughly in the following lines. Delivering employee training and development by using an LMS will make your training process fast and easy.

Employee training and development can bring immense advantages to your corporation. By enabling your employees to take on new responsibilities and tasks, you can keep employee engagement high. If your LMS has gamification features, things can become even more exciting. By maintaining your employees engaged, you increase their willingness to learn more and expand their skills. In the long run, this will lead to higher retention rates. It will also help talented staff get promotions as you cultivate leaders and experts within your teams.

An LMS can help your employees learn new skills and gain problem-solving abilities. An LMS can also boost the creativity and innovation of your workforce. It can help you create immersive learning experiences that will leave your learners in awe. A great way to accomplish this is by designing eLearning courses based on AR/VR or even creating AI training.

Compliance Training And Onboarding

Compliance training is essential in the fast-paced, modern workspace. Most corporations expect their employees to be able to adapt to their work environment rapidly. What happens though when someone is a new hire or when things change within your procedures, services, or products? Information technology might play a vital role in these changes, especially now that we have the chance to use limitless information.

By using an LMS, you can help your staff feel more empowered. Taking up courses on compliance training can also increase their confidence, especially in regard to onboarding and safety training. When an employee gets responsibility for new tasks, you allow them to deliver better results.

How Implementing Compliance Training Can Add To Your Business Growth

Onboarding and compliance training will undoubtedly help your staff learn from past mistakes. Developing critical thinking skills is a great way to improve things. Your team will be able to resolve issues that occur with flexibility. When employees and training managers both have a knowledge-sharing mentality, you’ll notice an improvement in your organization’s internal procedures.

Your training program will offer insight into each employee’s role within your organization. Such a strategy will also create an environment that has a constant learning and evolving base. All these add up to creating a safer working status by minimizing the risk of having employees who stay behind in regard to business growth and transformation.

When opting for an LMS to implement compliance training, you’ll require robust reporting and assessment features.

Sales Training And Employee Skills Development

Most companies need to boost their revenue. Upping your sales game by using an LMS for sales training is the key to this. If you are looking to train your sales reps for success, there is no better way.

If you’re starting your sales training efforts or if you are trying to improve your current sales training techniques, an LMS is a great tool. Such an LMS solution can help design and implement courses that will bring results. By choosing the right LMS tool for sales training, you can set up a sales training program pretty quickly. Make sure that you have a goal-oriented mindset from the very beginning.

Developing your employees' skills is key to boosting their career goals as well as your revenue. Define if you like to focus more on your employees' skills training or their leadership development.

What Are Some Must-Have Features Of A Top-Notch Sales Training LMS?

  • Collaborative learning
  • Mobile-friendly learner portal
  • Multiple tenants support
  • Branding customization
  • Multiple media support
  • Assessments and enhanced reporting
  • eCommerce integrations
  • Flexibility regarding licensing management
  • Gamification (badges and leaderboards)

An effective sales training program should focus on finding the right method to communicate your value proposition to your buyers. Either you offer a product or service, your organization will strive to improve its revenue if your sales team doesn’t follow an aligned strategy. Feedback from your current sales force will help create scenarios around specific issues to avoid future frustration. Sure, on-the-job training is critical, but some businesses beg to differ. You might choose to do the same if you are keen on getting the results you need.

By using an LMS for sales training, you can:

  • Welcome recruits by hosting onboarding programs
  • Create seminars on product knowledge
  • Focus on customer interaction training
  • Design case-study based learning from previous interactions with clients

Customer Training

A customer training LMS is not just an eLearning solution. Companies that focus on customer satisfaction should consider making such an upgrade. To accomplish that, your LMS should include certain features. Α customer-oriented LMS can help your customers' online training process. Most importantly, it can keep increasing customer engagement.

Concerning customer education, you will require a strategic partner. Selecting the technology that meets your expectations will get you up and running. Your training team will have an eLearning tool dedicated to assisting in the creation of great customer experiences. They will be able to define a strategy that suits your needs.

From developing coursework to scheduling and delivering effective programs, customer training LMS can be your ideal solution. Your board of ideas will have no limit if you create the right customer training strategy by choosing the most suitable LMS.

Of course, the steps you follow will define your customer training success. You should design a strategy and build an all-star team to implement these ideas. Emphasize your efforts when developing your training content.

What you need is to resonate with your target audience and bring value to the table. Success is not easy; this is why you should measure and evaluate your efforts. All of the above might fail if you don't choose the right technology.

What Makes A Top-Class Customer Training LMS?

When looking to create successful customer training programs, your LMS needs to be able to provide at least some of the following:

  • Friendly and easy to use interface
  • Mobile learning compatibility
  • Social learning capabilities
  • SCORM and Tin Can API compliance
  • Gamification elements for customer motivation and engagement
  • LMS integrations with the tools you already use (e.g., CMS solutions, GSuite, eCommerce, Hubspot, Magento, etc.)
  • Multi-tenancy support
  • Localization/Multilanguage support

Extended Enterprise

Since many large organizations are dealing with multiple dealers and suppliers, there is a need for training through all sales channels. The same goes for your customer service department.

Whether your niche is into retail or information technology, being able to deliver employee training all around the world is vital. Professional training and coaching on a world-wide level require specific features to work.

An extended enterprise LMS is handy, especially in sales training. Implementing such an LMS can assist in keeping an aligned strategy throughout your sales force. No matter where your sales reps live.

With an extended enterprise LMS, you can train your employees on video-based scenarios to reduce customer complaints. In this way, your customer satisfaction will improve, as will your sales return. If your training needs analysis has shown that you should improve product knowledge, an LMS is your solution.

Manufacturing and automotive, for example, are some other use cases where LMS implementation can bring training to another level.

What Are The Top Features Of An Extended Enterprise LMS?

  • Must have an intuitive User Interface (UI)
  • Should be mobile friendly
  • Customization and personalization capabilities are necessary
  • Should include good reporting and analytics tools
  • Must have localization support

Educational/Academic Training

The style of training you require is what defines the kind of LMS you should choose. Here is the first dilemma: corporate LMS or academic LMS? What’s best for your training needs? By making the ideal decision, you’ll avoid facing problems in the long run. The best thing you can do is pick an LMS solution for education that keeps everyone happy. Students, teachers, and all academic professionals involved can gain a lot from it. There are several details you should consider.

Those of you who are in the educational field might have noticed that it can be challenging to use an LMS for blended learning. I assure you, it doesn't have to be this way. Blended learning might have a better application if you do it the easy way.

An LMS can be used to create personalized learning and social learning experiences for your students. As the world progresses its digital transformation every day, modern educators must find smart ways to apply it to their courses. That said, you can use an LMS to reduce stress when teaching. You can keep information about your students and your courses in one place. Also, you can file student grades and assignments without worrying where you’ve hidden that last-day submission.

Furthermore, you’ll come out as more accessible to your students. What an LMS does best is giving immediate access and channels of communication to all stakeholders involved. Even if you can’t afford an a-class LMS, there are plenty of open-source LMS options out there.

The Importance Of LMS Integrations

When choosing your ideal LMS solution, the ability it has to integrate with other software is crucial for your decision. Having several integrations can multiply your LMS's power as well as its utility. Integrations will help your L&D team become even more valuable and become more efficient.

LMS integrations bring along several benefits. When your learners are already familiar with some software, having the option to integrate will increase user engagement. What’s more, it can help deliver a better User Experience by saving time and reducing manual tasks.

For an LMS to enhance your training effectiveness, you might require a media library and eCommerce. Whether you’re working in human resources or are in the L&D of a telecommunications company, you must combine tools that are already in your training arsenal.

Tips On How To Select The Best LMS For Your Business

When you think about it, is there an industry that doesn’t require an LMS? Depending on your industry’s needs and expectations, you should opt for the ideal LMS that meets your business needs.

If you need to train your extended enterprise, you’ll have to focus on localization features. A key element for an extended enterprise LMS is that it offers online training anytime, anywhere. Maybe a cloud-based LMS would be the best solution for this case. Or definitely, an LMS that has a proper mobile application.

What if your company is in the hospitality industry? You'll surely require an LMS that is good for employee onboarding and compliance training. The reason for this is simple: you’ll have plenty of seasonal employees that you must train.

Successful LMS Implementation For Different Industries

eLearning training strategies can have a successful implementation in the banking sector, as well. Plenty of financial services do use an LMS to create courses for their employee training. To meet your training needs in this industry, you'll require an LMS ideal for compliance training. Sales training and soft skills training are also essential. You may also use your LMS to give certificates to your trainers. Your employees will enjoy getting certifications of completion. In case your LMS has a competitive edge by including gamification features, even better.

Retail, of course, is no different. Such companies require extensive customer training capabilities. They are also looking for an LMS that is powerful and flexible when it comes to sales training. Keeping your sales force constantly training will enhance the way they interact with your customers. With such an LMS, you can train new hires in no time. The above is equally important to those looking for training solutions in the food & beverage industry.

A cloud-based LMS could be the solution you need. Being mobile-friendly and cost-effective makes it a good option. Extended enterprises could benefit from an all-in-one LMS that offers mobility. Simulation-based training and the use of customer scenarios can also increase your revenue in the long run.

Which LMS Is The Best For Your Needs?

Of course, before you choose an LMS you should test it by yourself. So, I suggest that you ask for an LMS free trial to get your hands on it. If an LMS vendor doesn’t offer a free trial period, then at least ask for a demo. Do a training needs analysis before selecting which LMS vendors you’d like to put to the test. This will put you in a position to make your own Learning Management System comparison.

Getting an LMS doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune. You can find value for money LMS choices for SMBs as well. Selecting the best eLearning tool for your business depends highly on who is going to use it.

Evaluate at least 3-5 LMS tools before concluding. Take a look at the user setup, create a mock-up training course and extract reports. Make sure to choose an intuitive and user-friendly LMS. Always have in mind that you should find an LMS that meets your specific business needs and objectives.

In conclusion, when selecting an LMS, you should follow these vital steps:

  • Define your objectives
  • Do a training needs analysis
  • Ask all stakeholders involved how they like to learn
  • Does this LMS have the essential features you need?
  • Can the LMS of your choice meet your future needs?

Do you have an LMS solution in mind yet? Our list of the top Learning Management Systems can help you. You can also use it for an LMS pricing comparison of various LMS providers. What's more, our LMS consultants have made the decision-making process easier, even for novice users. Hence, you can find an LMS based on your criteria!

Are you looking for a Learning Management System review about the product you are thinking of buying? Read the latest LMS reviews from our users.

Best LMS Software To Use When Working Remotely [2024 Top List]

Best LMS Software To Use When Working Remotely [2024 Top List]
Summary: Do you want to learn how an LMS solves learning challenges in remote working? Then, this top LMS list for working remotely is for you. Read all about who can benefit from such an LMS solution but also explore what training managers and L&D leaders should consider before making an LMS purchase for remote training.

Picking Out The Best Remote Working LMS Software

Have you ever wondered which are the best remote working LMS software out there? The recent events of COVID-19 have set up a change management situation for all businesses around the world. Many organizations from different industries have already transitioned to remote work policy. This option will help your workforce offer their valuable services by also following the social distancing guidelines enforced by the government.

When managers have to deal with employees working remotely, there is one vital goal we should all be after. We have to ensure that any work activities will continue non-stop. The disruption of current work procedures must in no way interfere with the quality offered to customers.

This is why keeping your employee training and development plans growing is so important. An LMS can assist L&D in creating reliable and robust online training programs. Eager to learn more about the best remote working LMS software?

Sorry to keep you waiting! Without further ado, here's our top LMS list when working remotely. I highly recommend that you take a spin on each one by using the free trial options available. No matter how many tips you read, a personal take on each LMS software is what will give you a better idea.

So, go ahead and start those LMS free trials!

Top LMS List When Working Remotely

Best LMS Software To Use When Working Remotely [2024 Top List]

If your company is among the Best LMS software to use when working remotely in 2024, feel free to add this badge to your website!

Experience AI-Powered Personalized Learning Even When Working Remotely

Adobe Learning Manager is one of the best LMSs when working remotely because of the following stellar features. Get up and going within a day with a flat, modern UI. Handle the setup, delivery, and tracking of learning in a jiffy. Use Fluidic Player® to seamlessly bring in and track virtually any content, including PPTX, video, PDF, DOCX, xAPI-, AICC-, and SCORM-compliant packages.

Visit their website to learn how Adobe Learning Manager supports your business use case while working remotely.

Also, make sure to explore what other users have to say by reading Adobe reviews in our directory.


  • AI-Based Social Learning
  • Offline Learning
  • Adobe Connect Integration

Combine virtual or live classrooms and eLearning courses into learning programs and certifications that focus on skill development, onboarding, and compliance. Users can leverage APIs to integrate Prime with Salesforce for sales teams to view their personal learning dashboards and receive task notifications. Plus, you can benefit from the Adobe Connect integration to schedule, access, and track virtual classroom sessions, all from within Adobe Learning Manager.


  • AI-Based Social Learning

It allows learners to share their expertise with peers in the form of web-based or User-Generated Content posted on topic-based discussion boards. Other learners interested in similar skills can follow these boards to learn and even contribute to the topic, akin to a social media platform.

  • Offline Learning

It allows learners to continue learning even when they are offline. The Adobe Learning Manager app downloads learning content, makes it available for offline access, and auto-syncs to the server when the learner is back online.

  • Adobe Connect Integration

It integrates with Adobe Connect Virtual Classrooms which can launch your sessions with a single click, automatically track attendance, completion and time spent, and view post-session recordings all from within Adobe Learning Manager.

2. Docebo
4.5/5 (121 reviews)
A Go-To Tool For Training Remote Teams At Scale

We all want to deliver training that actually makes an impact, and digital learning brings people closer together, even when they're apart. Get your training programs to produce results sooner. Automate, centralize, and organize internal and external learning activities for multiple audiences without the stress of navigating a complex learning system. Make knowledge accessible and readily available.

If you want to learn more about Docebo's LMS, all you have to do is get in touch!

Also, you can check Docebo user reviews in our directory to get a better idea of the software experience.


  • A Single Platform For All Use Cases
  • Docebo Virtual Coach
  • Learning Anytime, Anywhere
  • Video Conferencing And Webinar Tools To Transform ILT Into VILT Simply
  • Elevate Collaboration With Social Learning Through Docebo Discover, Coach & Share

Give your workforce the tools they need to capture, share, and discover curated knowledge across your org—on their own and in a matter of minutes. Create a single source of personalized knowledge. Point thousands of users to a single source of relevant and personalized learning that keeps them engaged and supported in the flow of work. Eliminate the need for admins to manually build personal experiences and find the right content for every learner.


  • A Single Platform For All Use Cases

Whether you're training employees, customers or both, Docebo gives you the flexibility and simplicity required to reach multiple audiences within a single environment to minimize pressure on admins to manage multiple systems, while consistently contributing to a single source-of-truth for your entire company, whether those people work within it or outside of it.

  • Docebo Virtual Coach

Provide tailored virtual instruction by leveraging the "forever learning" nature of Artificial Intelligence. As learners interact and progress within the platform, the Virtual Coach learns about them and their preferences, suggesting learning paths that are best suited to them and prompting them to complete courses. Learners can ask questions, receive snippets of relevant content, and receive feedback on their progress. Make sure to read their eBook on Understanding The Intersection Of AI And Human Capability In L&D.

  • Learning Anytime, Anywhere

Empower your learners with a continuous learning experience through Docebo's Go. Learn mobile app. Learners can even take training courses while offline, with progress automatically tracked and synced with their Docebo LMS when back online.

  • Video Conferencing And Webinar Tools To Transform ILT Into VILT Simply

Docebo's integrations with Zoom and GoToWebinar makes it simple to keep people connected and eliminates the need to cancel any in-person training events by making them virtual meet-ups.

  • Elevate Collaboration With Social Learning Through Docebo Discover, Coach & Share

Keep your people engaged by giving them some control over the direction of their development. Give them a way to uncover content that develops areas they'd like to improve, share that content with colleagues who might find it useful as well, and initiate conversations about how these lessons could be applied at work.

4.7/5 (262 reviews)
Remote Training Goes The Distance On TalentLMS

Log in and lean into learning wherever, whenever, with TalentLMS. 70K+ teams trust this platform to reach their remote teams with transcendent training. Learn without borders on TalentLMS and meet training success.

Start your forever-free account today.

I encourage you to read Talent LMS reviews in eLearning Industry's directory if you're interested in a hands-on experience.


  • Never Mind The Gap
  • Go Mobile
  • Keep The Conversation Going


  • Never Mind The Gap

Close the distance between you and your learners with built-in videoconferencing that puts faces to names and strengthens Instructor-Led Training.

  • Go Mobile

Deliver training straight to devices your remote workers always have on them with the TalentLMS app. Now your people can grow on the go.

  • Keep The Conversation Going

Connect your learners and promote social learning with discussion forums, and help keep your people on schedule with direct messaging so they never miss a session.

Plans And Pricing

Test TalentLMS for free, forever. No credit card needed. And when you're ready to upgrade, you can choose from 8 adaptable pricing plans (4 include ready-made courses) that ensure you never pay for frivolous features or unwanted scale.

Upskill From Within With Collaborative Learning

360Learning is a learning platform powered by collaborative learning. They empower companies to upskill from within by turning their experts into champions for employee, customer, and partner growth.

Discover how your remote team can leverage collaborative learning to upskill from within.

For 360Learning reviews, make sure to visit our directory.


  • eLearning
  • Virtual Live Training
  • Mobile Learning


  • eLearning

Let learners choose when and where they learn basic concepts and theory with self-paced online training.

  • Virtual Live Training

Create convenient and cost-effective webinar sessions in one click.

  • Mobile Learning

Give your learners the tools to take learning with them wherever they go.

Plans And Pricing

Remote working is made easy with 360Learning. Create and deliver courses fast to your learners, whether it's traditional eLearning, hosting a virtual live training, or meeting your learners where they are at with mobile learning.

Not Just A Training Platform—Your Tool For Growth

iSpring Learn is your go-to LMS to keep remote employees on the same track and boost their engagement. Cultivate social learning, automate training, and assess knowledge. With smart features and an intuitive UI, it's easy.

Is iSpring Learn the right fit for your business? Get in touch with iSpring, and they'll help you decide!

If you want to see what other users think, make sure to read iSpring Learn reviews in our directory. 


  • Easy Content Creation
  • In-Depth Reporting
  • Smart Training Management


  • Easy Content Creation

Anyone, from L&D specialists to SMEs, can create interactive courses with iSpring Learn. Be it assessments, role-plays, video lessons, or long reads, you'll find it very easy to use.

  • In-Depth Reporting

iSpring Learn's data and analytics engine is superb. Their expert tools enable you to track learner progress. This LMS excels at giving you insight into training effectiveness. That's all you need to make the required adjustments and help your learners benefit the most.

  • Smart Training Management

With smart user groups and multiple admin roles on iSpring Learn's supervisor dashboards, you can invite team leaders and department heads to share the responsibility of checking in on how their teams are doing.

Plans And Pricing

What I like about iSpring Learn is that it comes in two pricing plans:

    • Business ($2.29 USD per user/month)
    • Enterprise ($3.14 USD per user/month)

Best of all? A free 30-day trial is available.

4.5/5 (72 reviews)
Unlock Potential: Absorb Enables Engaged Learners And Efficient Administration

Absorb LMS cloud platform is laser-focused on delivering an engaging learner experience and efficient administration. Since 2003, it has helped global companies remotely train learners inside and outside their organization.

Motivate your remote workforce to engage and learn in a collaborative, peer-to-peer environment to unlock potential for the self and the company.

Do you want to learn more about the user experience? Make sure to read Absorb LMS reviews in our directory.


  • Engaging Learner Experience
  • Efficient Administration
  • Community Learning


  • Engaging Learner Experience

Absorb makes remote learning fun and engaging. From automated course delivery to interactive learning incentives, Absorb personalizes your learners' experience.

  • Efficient Administration

Absorb makes administration easy, from course creation to timely reporting. Save time and eliminate errors with automated scheduling, enrollment, course access, and more.

  • Community Learning

Absorb enables remote learners to learn as a community. Boost engagement with interactive tools like gamification, peer discussions, social learning, leaderboards, and more.

Plans And Pricing

Absorb has a tailored approach to their pricing, and they help you choose the pricing model best fit for your needs. Pricing models are based on the number of learners, internal, external, or combination learner types, course authoring, and other key LMS factors.

4.5/5 (13 reviews)
A Superb LMS To Create Learning Experiences That Unlock High Performance And ROI

KREDO is designed to accommodate organizational requirements, identify skill gaps, build competencies, and complement existing training and development principles, fitting perfectly in any remote working scenario.

Book a free demo to see KREDO in action.

For KREDO reviews, visit our directory.


  • Delivery Hybrid Learning
  • Seamless Learning Experiences
  • Just-In-Time Learning


  • Delivery Hybrid Learning

Engage learners by delivering digital learning interventions and classroom or virtual training programs seamlessly on any device.

  • Seamless Learning Experiences

Whether learning intervention is eLearning, video, document, or synchronous learning, KREDO enables a seamless learning experience and drives continuous learning for long-term retention.

  • Just-In-Time Learning

Using in-built authoring, you can create and roll out microlearning or just-in-time training courses to learners in minutes. With 50+ templates, you can create and deliver unique eLearning easily.

Plans And Pricing

Adjudged as one of the fastest LMS tools, KREDO has become a preferred choice for several organizations globally to deliver learning. KREDO has an adaptable pricing model; contact them for specific pricing based on your needs.

What Were The Criteria That Determined Which LMSs Made The List?

In an attempt to identify the best LMS solutions to help you manage and train remote teams, eLearning Industry decided to create this exclusive top LMS list. Global recognized LMS experts, including C. Pappas, and our editorial team did a thorough review of each vendor's eligibility and relevant published content (articles, eBooks, webinars). Our committee ranked the best cloud-based Learning Management Systems based on the following 9 criteria:

  • Customer support
  • Customer Experience
  • Software features
  • Software innovation
  • Customer reviews
  • Economic growth potential
  • Company's customer retention
  • Employee turnover
  • Company's social responsibility

Of course, this top LMS list for remote training is just the first step. Please make sure to read our tips on what you need to consider when deciding on an LMS to train your remote teams. So, for a detailed analysis on how to choose the best LMS for your needs, you're more than welcome to read our full LMS Selection Guide.

Discover The Ideal LMS Solution For Remote Working
Save time and money. Compare top LMS tools by features, reviews, and rating!

Which Organizations Can Leverage An LMS For Remote Training?

There is a vast difference between having to offer online training due to certain circumstances and doing it right. Now that you've taken the step to become an organization that can still deliver quality services and products even in a virtual environment, you have to think big.

By planning online learning experiences strategically, you can create meaningful training courses. For example, universities and colleges around the world are working hard to maintain course instruction by opting for virtual classes. Video conferencing tools are becoming a massive trend in L&D.

Every business that has to make the transition to training and managing remote teams should decide carefully on their LMS tool. Evaluation is critical when choosing to deliver online training. They say that desperate times call for drastic measures, but this doesn't mean you have to sacrifice online training quality.

As organizations try to adjust to managing global teams, an online employee training program can enable the flexibility of learning anytime, anywhere. The above applies to any industry; however, L&D leaders must consider the challenges of managing remote employees' training.

L&D teams will need to invest in onboarding, integrate gamification, and adopt intelligent reporting with an LMS in their attempt to manage and engage remote workers. The right LMS solution should fit the needs of the individuals you want to train but also be in alignment with your business goals.

eBook Release: Remote Work And Virtual Training In Aid Of Corporations Worldwide
eBook Release
Remote Work And Virtual Training In Aid Of Corporations Worldwide
Explore how launching a virtual training strategy will help you get your L&D program back on track when your workforce has to work from home.

How To Effectively Manage Remote Employee Training With A Top-Notch LMS Solution

Showing empathy and understanding what the greater good demands are two factors that distinguish great leaders from everyday managers. Offering remote work and training opportunities for your workforce is imperative during these unprecedented times. Now, it is more important than ever to start your strategic LMS implementation plan.

Working from home is undoubtedly not a new thing. Yet, some businesses are afraid to make the transition. In a recent study done by Global Workplace Analytics based on telecommuting, a significant percentage of employees (80 to 90%) state that they would like to work remotely, at least part of the time, if not regularly. Now that's an attractive figure.

Did you know that working from home increases productivity? That's surprising to read, I know. In fact, according to Forbes and Fast Company, remote teams are no longer seen as a privilege. They are considered the new normal. To me, this means it was always the right approach to make the transition to online training and remote working. COVID-19 made this transition enter our lives faster.

Please note that an ideal remote working LMS should:

  • Offer interactive features
  • Include instant communication tools
  • Have easy accessibility and integrations (mobile-ready, web conferencing tools, etc.)
  • Allow you to use virtual classrooms without fuss

If you are interested in virtual classes, you may also like to read our 7 Tips To Choose The Best Virtual Classroom LMS For Your Organization.

What L&D Managers Should Do During A Remote Work Policy

Although transitioning to a remote work environment is a means to increase productivity in the workplace, many managers have difficulty in leading teams to success. It is not that you, as a manager, don't have control over the situation. Trust issues sometimes get in the way. So, the most important of all is to build a company culture that focuses on cultivating trust.

Furthermore, remote management offers a chance to test several different tools to make your job more efficient. A Learning Management System (LMS) can help you overcome distance challenges. One of the essential features of an LMS is its ability to help you create online training fast and easily.

By using an LMS, you can handle remote learning effectively while saving time and fighting against the distance barriers. An LMS solution enables L&D teams to offer employees access to valuable learning materials at their convenience while at the same time, it enhances employee retention by assisting your workforce in acquiring new skills and evolving further.

No wonder the most successful businesses already use an LMS for online training. It is a valuable tool that can help provide personalized learning experiences that are flexible and user-centered. By opting for an LMS, you can reduce training time. Your whole learning process will rely on automation, giving you the tools to bring business growth while boosting employee performance.

Benefits Of Using An LMS For Remote Teams

Your business might have already been using technology as a means to interact with employees and clients. Or maybe you're on a transitional stage to a remote work policy. Today, technology and mobile devices give users the chance to be only a click away from getting their job done. Spending more time to communicate through tech (e.g., laptops, smart devices) has made our everyday life easier for sure. Some people prefer this type of communication in comparison to face-to-face interactions.

Telecommuting opens doors to marketplaces of short-term contractors and freelancers to get your projects going. You'll need to train those new assets and help them understand your brand and company culture. An LMS is a great tool for onboarding new employees but also for offering compliance training. Remember, how tech-savvy your workforce is will define which LMS you should choose to fit online training needs and accomplish business goals.

The Positive Impact Of Managing Remote Employees With An LMS

By using an LMS when working remotely, training managers get to be more organized and can manage reporting tasks easier. This is a win-win case for you and your remote teams. Isn't better work/life balance what we've all been looking for?

Convincing your employees to work from home might not have been a piece of cake before, but look at you now! Remote teams manage to avoid the hassle of waking up extra early and save time since they no longer have to use commuting to the office. The result? Your workforce feels less stressed and is more productive.

Plus, to make things even better for your company, you can set up personalized employee skills development plans. With the assistance of an LMS, you can bring business growth fast and at a low cost. Investing in your workforce is like finding a hidden treasure, you just haven't tried it yet. Top talents are thirsty for knowledge. Provide them with the means to become better and they'll thank you for their performance. This is the gift of giving and receiving.

Training your remote employees will prove to be a strategic move in the near future. See it as a tactic to plan ahead. Using an LMS will help you keep your employees engaged and also give them the incentive to evolve. By cultivating their skills, you will add value to your business and you'll be able to go after new projects you wouldn't imagine touching before.

An LMS Helps You Train Top Talent And Boost Employee Satisfaction

When it comes to professional training, remote working arrangements have proven to be cost-effective and much easier to implement. Instead of having all employees remain on-site for a business workshop, you can provide them with access to online training programs. This is an excellent way to overcome challenges when face-to-face meetings are not possible. An LMS is extremely valuable for extended enterprises, companies that are keen on staff augmentation, or have recently gone virtual.

Your remote workforce can use LMS software to access online training courses—live or on-demand. This makes training more flexible since you're helping them take online courses at their own pace. Once you create a workshop, you can use your training module to train future employees with no extra cost. This is super effective for companies who have their workforce scattered all over the world, or even for businesses that have recently moved to a remote team transition.

What's more, remote work policy gives you the opportunity to pick the best out of a global pool of employees. That's a treat for HR managers who are looking to enhance their workforce with top talent. Plus, an LMS gives you the means to continuously train and retain top talent in your company, even when working remotely.

Using A Cloud-Based LMS When Working Remotely

Training your teams remotely with an LMS is certainly worth exploring. Remote working arrangements can be a blessing in times of struggle and social distancing. This is where technology becomes our deus ex machina. When your workforce works from home, you'll notice productivity boosts and measurable savings. Plus, your employees will be happier, and this can result in lower job turnover.

Hiring and training new employees need a fair amount of time, investment, and resources. Using a cloud-based LMS allows you to manage teams that work from home, while it also reduces HR costs. Telecommuting and online training bring extra savings to the table, for example, you may have reduced costs regarding training facilities and office maintenance. Plus, your workforce gets to enjoy your online training course anytime, anywhere while you also get to manage and evaluate the online training process at your convenience.

Consider An LMS That Also Offers Offline Access

Whichever the case, sometimes internet connectivity may become a burden. Especially when the demand has gone up like crazy since everyone is using bandwidth due to working remotely. So, yes, we love technology, but we can't always rely on it. An LMS vendor that supports downloadable content is an ultimate solution even when you experience issues with your WiFi connection. Consider the ability to have offline training resources as a backup plan.

To sum up, training leaders and their remote employees can benefit immensely from an LMS that is cloud-based or offers offline access.

Where L&D Leaders Should Focus On When Training And Managing Remote Teams With An LMS

Training managers need to adapt to this remote work environment, even though it is a bit challenging at first. Here's what you should consider for embracing better a business transition to remote team management.

Set Up Regular Meetings With Your Team And Keep Them Engaged

You can have a daily or weekly catch up with all your remote team members. For an online meeting to be successful, you need to have an agenda set beforehand. A presentation or screen sharing could also work miracles. However, to make this happen, your remote working LMS solution should allow video conferencing. It could, for example, have a Zoom LMS integration.

When talking about employee engagement, there are several approaches you can use. If you are considering ways to incentivize or excite your learners, choose an LMS that can help you implement a gamification strategy or even deliver immersive experiences.

Check Out LMS Integrations Like Google Apps, Microsoft Teams, And More

Producing high-quality online training content for remote learners is one of the most significant LMS benefits. In order to create amazing online training experiences, everyone in your L&D remote team should have the chance to share skills and training expertise.

A standard LMS solution offers features such as discussion forums, chats, related apps, an online calendar, and several widgets. Depending on your business needs, you can either implement an LMS locally or in the cloud.

When a distance learning scenario is knocking on your door, your LMS should obviously make your team's life easier no matter where their location is. It is crucial that your LMS offers—alongside its robust features—fluid support to external apps that are vital to your everyday work. Productive collaboration is what you should aim for. From online documents to virtual training and discussion forums, the LMS you choose should offer those partnerships.

Don't forget that the ideal LMS is all about the features and functionality it can offer to fit your online training needs. Before finding the ideal LMS tool, make sure to do your research for options that also suit your eLearning budget.

Focus On Employee Skills Development

Working from home gives an opportunity to further develop your workforce's skillset. You can use an LMS to streamline the learning process for your business. You will be able to manage online training sessions efficiently, even when your employees work remotely.

By offering employee skills training, you'll boost your employees' morale and satisfaction. Using an LMS can help take your L&D procedures to the next level. Change management to remote working gives your company the opportunity to establish a culture of continuous learning. Take advantage of it by focusing on your online training strategy. Now is not the time to reduce your training budget.

Use Reporting Tools Wisely For Training Evaluation And Optimization

Learning Management Systems that focus on remote working are valuable tools for training and L&D managers. You can find LMS solutions that feature robust reporting and analytics capabilities. Training managers and HR leaders can track every aspect of the online training process. From evaluating online courses to investigating learners' performances, you get an all-in-one "control room."

By using LMS reporting tools, training managers can streamline their whole online training strategy. They can also identify which areas they need to improve. For instance, you can modify or even delete an outdated online training course.

By tracking the whole learning process, you can assess your online training programs and decide if it is worth investing in them. During your LMS market research, look if any vendors are offering extra add-ons, which may make your online courses cost-efficient and effective.

Choose An LMS That Can Help You Access Training Anytime, Anywhere

The LMS you choose when working remotely shouldn't be challenging. Consider opting for one that has a user-friendly interface. Also, decide if you need it to have a low learning curve as well. Maybe a SaaS LMS could be the best choice if you're looking for the above.

Your LMS tool should also help you through every step of the learning process. From implementation and setup to deploying your online training course, all should work smoothly.

By getting an LMS that offers access to training anytime, anywhere, you can use it from your workplace, your mobile phone, or the convenience of your own home set-up office. A cloud-based LMS stores data on the cloud, making it accessible from any device and from any place in the world.

This offers a variety of side benefits, in addition to making work outside of the office easy and accessible. From increasing productivity to checking online training content, SaaS LMS platforms are perfect for offline viewing. Plus, such LMSs automatically sync when you go back online.

Remote Work Transition LMS Budgeting: Setting Realistic Goals

It is true that several businesses have considered cutting training budgets. However, this is not the right approach. Training your employees to face change management issues is the number one hurdle organizations have to overcome. Working remotely gives the opportunity to help your employee skills development start sooner than expected.

Businesses all around the world need to prepare their teams for the new reality. Nothing is black and white. Now is the time to prove we can adapt to new ways of offering our services. Taking a leap of faith is not enough. Your remote team needs to know where your business is going. If you're aiming for business growth even during a crisis, training your workforce should be a number one priority. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for an LMS consultation.

Think about the ongoing maintenance, content development costs, and upgrades you might have to purchase in the future. This will help you calculate the most accurate cost of ownership and avoid spending more than you can afford in the long term. Request a detailed estimate from the LMS vendor, so that you're able to add everything up and choose the ideal LMS for your budget.

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